Cast Part Two

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Ashter Lannister Brother of the Night's WatchFirst Ranger/Recruiter

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Ashter Lannister
Brother of the Night's Watch
First Ranger/Recruiter

Sexuality- Gay 

Father- Tywin Lannister

Brothers- Jamie and Tyrion Lannister

Sister- Cersei Lannister

Sister- Cersei Lannister

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Rylen Farrin

Love Interest- Arina Lake

Karyn Bole Commander of Order of The Red Ring

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Karyn Bole
Commander of Order of The Red Ring

Seasons- 1,4,5,6

Arren Sand Knight of Order of The Red King

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Arren Sand
Knight of Order of The Red King

The Cursed Army

Seasons- Season 8

Type- Cursed Spirits

Strength- One Million

Location- Blackwood Valley

Founded- 10,000 before the series (Age of Heroes)

The Cursed Army is a cursed order of knights and sellswords cursed to wait for the Brightborn to wield Dawnbringer and lead them into battle once more so they can finally earn their enteral rest

Order of the Red Ring

The Order of the Red Ring is an ancient group of the most skilled and greatest knights and warriors in the realm. Their duty is to protect the realm from harm and defend the innocent

They don red cloaks and bears a red ring

Seasons- 4,5,7,8

Red Tower-Ashlands-Red Tower

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