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Rayna is practicing with a bow, she pulls the string back and fires arrow hitting the target right dead center in the chest. Alver walks through the courtyard and approaches

Alver: You still say Lucas and Ramsay's names before you shoot?

Rayna: With every arrow.

Alver: You're good but not as good as I am, sister

Rayna gives him a look, raising her eyebrow. He smirks

Rayna: Do you wish to make a bet, brother?

Alver: Not a chance in Seven hells. I learned my lesson the last time I made a wager with you.

Norman: Rider approaching!!

Alver and Rayna turns towards the gate where a lone rider is shown riding in though the gate; Alix Fisher

Alver: Alix.

Alix climbs off his horse

Alix: Alver or should I say Lord Alver

Alver: I could say the same to you, Lord Alix.

They chuckle throwing their arms around each other in a friendly embrace

Alix: My Lady

Rayna: Alix.

Alver: What brings you to Whitehall Keep?

Alix: I bring news of one of Robert's bastards. Gendry is his name.

Alver: Let us go inside. My mother would like to hear this.

Alix and Alver walks towards the house while Rayna watches them then raises her bow and shoots another arrow.


Alix and Alver walks into the Great Hall

Relina: Alix. It's good to see you

Alix: Good to see you as well, Lady Relina.

He wraps his arms around her hugging her

Relina: What are you here for?

Alvar: He says he has word on one of Robert's bastards

Alix: Gendry is his name. Aldo and Lord Stark found him in King's Landing before all this began.

Relina: What is the word? Where is he?

Alix: I've heard rumors he is in the clutches of the Brotherhood Without Banners and the Red Witch is searching for him.

Alver: The Red Witch? The one Stannis has?

Alix: The very same. Why she is searching for him, I do not know but knowing the type of man Stannis is.......

Relina: He's most likely attempting to find him to dispose of him so no one can challenge Lianna's claim.

Alvar: Lianna most likely doesn't even know.

Alix: I thought I should at least come here and inform you on my way to meet up with father. I would have joined sooner but had problems back at Riverbell.

Alvar: What kind of problems?

Alix: Not direct problems. Rumors mostly.

Relina: What sort of rumors?

Alix: You are aware of the rumored return of Jakor?

Relina nods her head

Alix: It appears word has spread up to Riverbell. There are talk of rebellion.

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