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There are several game pieces representing different House sigils located on different parts of the map. Robb and Carmine are at a campsite, within a tent lit up by candles

Carmine: Are you sure about this?

Robb: No.

Carmine: It's dangerous.

Robb nods his head in agreement

Robb: If we take Tywin's castle from him, the lords of Westeros will realize he's not invincible. Take his home, take his gold, take his power.

Carmine: Why are you telling me?

Robb walks around the table towards him

Robb: My mother begged me not to send Theon to negotiate with his father and I ignored her advice.

He pours himself something to drink

Robb: Now Winterfell is burned to the ground. The North is overrun with Ironborn and Bran and Rickon are gone. So, Casterly Rock? I'm asking your advice.

Carmine looks at the map

Carmine: We have enough men?

Robb grabs a House Frey piece

Robb: If Walder Frey cooperates.

Carmine: If Walder Frey cooperates. If reinforcements arrive from King's Landing, before we take the castle, we'll be caught between Tywin's army and the sea.

Robb moves the House Frey piece to the House Stark side of the map

Robb: We'll lose the war and die the way father died. Or worse.

Carmine: Show them what it means to lose something you love.


Korb gallops his horse stopping and stares up at the Twins

Korb: I go in a single man and come out with Walder Frey as my father in law

Blane: Eh I'm lucky I am not you

Korb: Ah shut up.


Robb, Talisa, Carmine, Edmure, Carth, Korber, and Catelyn stands before Walder Frey

Robb takes a piece of bread, dips it into the salt and eats it while looking intently at Walder

Walder: My honored guests, be welcome within my walls and at my table. I extend to you my hospitality and protection in the light of the Seven.

Robb: We thank you for your hospitality, my lord.

Servant stops in front of Walder. He takes a piece of bread from the plate and eats it

Robb: I have come to make my apologies, my lord, and to beg your forgiveness.

Walder: Don't beg my forgiveness, your Grace. It wasn't me you spurned, it was my girls.

He signals for his female relatives to appear before Robb

Walder: One of them was supposed to be queen, now none of them are.

As he calls each relative by name, they briefly look up at Robb

Walder: This is Arwyn, my daughter. My daughter Walda, my daughter Derwa, my daughter Waldra.

Korb intently watches the Frey women. Blane and Edam has their heads hung low silently snickering to themselves.

Walder: Serra and Sarra, granddaughters, twins. You could have had either. Could have had both for all I care.

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