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Robb and Korb marches into then tent while Catelyn is sitting at the table

Robb: Tell us this isn't true

Catelyn doesn't say a word, she only looks up at her sons.

Korb: Why'd you do it, mother?

Catelyn: For the girls.

Robb: Your betrayed me

Catelyn: Robb-----

Korb: No! You knew we wouldn't allow it and you did it anyway

Catelyn: Bran and Rickon are captives in Winterfell. Sansa and Arya are captives in King's Landing. I have six children, and only two of them is free.

Karstark: I lost one son fighting by your son's side. I lost another to the Kingslayer, strangled with a chain. You commit treason because your children are prisoners? I would carve out my heart and offer it to the Father, if he would let my sons wake from their graves and step into a prison cell.

Catelyn: I grieve for your sons, my lord.

Karstark: I don't want your grief. I want my vengeance. And you stole it from me.

Catelyn: Killing Jaime Lannister would not buy life for your children, but returning him to King's Landing may buy life for mine.

Robb: Jaime Lannister has played you for a fool. You've weakened our position. You've brought discord into our camp.

Korb: And you did it all behind our back. Make sure she's guarded day and night.

Catelyn: Robb. Korb.

Robb: How many men did we send in pursuit of the Kingslayer?

Carth: About 40.

Robb: Send another 40 with the fastest horses

Catelyn: Korb. Robb.

Robb and Korb storms out of the tent in anger.


Lord Jaran Lake sits around the table with Rylen Farrin and other Lake Bannermen. Arina attends to them

Zarin Piler and Simon Wyan sits at the table.

Zarin: King's Landing will fall an hour after Stannis lands his force.

Simon: The Lannisters will never surrender the Iron Throne.

Jaran: How far is Stannis from King's Landing?

Rylen: Two days. Carmine and Robb are above Ashmark.

Arina pours wine into her father's cup.

Simon: Robb has sent a small splinter force to retake Winterfell from the Ironborn. He won't risk marching on Casterly Rock without his full force

Jaran: He's never lost a battle. He'll risk anything because he's not afraid but that will be his downfall I'm afraid.


The Night's Watch camps on the top of a cliff. The wind howls. Grenn, Edd, and Sam dig in the snow

Sam: (panting) I'm not cut out for this sort of work.

He sits down to rest. The others continue to dig.

Edd: I always imagined meself doing something much worse.

Grenn: We're digging latrine pits at the end of the world. I can't imagine anything much worse.

Edd: You lack imagination.

Sam: Where do you think Jon is right now?

Edd: He went off with the Halfhand. He didn't come back. A betting man would go with dead.

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