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Knights are sparring and practicing with bows and arrows in the courtyard. Aldo watches from the balcony of his office. Jaxar and Arren are in the office

Aldo: Killed by whom?

Jaxar: Accounts differ. Most seem to implicate Lady Stark

Aldo: No. No. Catelyn went to get Renly to help with Robb's campaign. Killing him makes no sense for her.

Arren: Stannis?

Aldo picks up a goblet and takes a sip

Aldo: Perhaps. He's a power hungry mad man who's using his own daughter's claim to further his own agenda.

Jaxar: Renly's army is flocking to support Lianna's. Which would give Stannis the advantage.

Arren: And I don't see the thought of Stannis lending a helping hand to Robb Stark, only if he wants something in return.

Aldo: Have the scouts keep their eyes on Stannis's movements, stay out of sight

Arren and Jaxar bows and leaves the room.


Alvar, Relina, and Rayna are inside the Great hall as Norman is giving them a report on what happened

Relina: Renly's dead?

Norman: And Lady Catelyn and Brienne of Tarth are said to be the ones who did the deed.

Alvar: Impossible. Lady Stark would never do such a thing and Brienne----she's honorable.

Rayna: Stannis killed his own brother?

Relina: He's using Lianna, his own daughter's claim to give himself more power. Stannis has never cared about anyone but himself.

Norman: Renly's army is flocking to Lianna's support. Stannis has the advantage over the Lannisters now.

Alvar: Yes but the Lannisters has more coins.

He pours wine into his goblet.

Rayna: He's gonna march on King's Landing soon.

Alvar: Ser Norman, double the watch duties along the wall. I want guards on the wall at all times. We must be ready for anything

Norman: It will be done

He bows and leaves the hall.


The Brothers marches in a single file line

Jeor: He's not here yet. He'd have seen us, blown the horn.

Jon: When will he come?

Jeo: The Halfhand does things in his own time.

Jon: My uncle told me stories about him.

Ashter: Most of them are true.

Jon: I heard the Halfhand spent half of last winter beyond the Wall.

Jeor: The whole winter. He was north of the Skirling Pass when the snows came. Had to wait for the thaw.

Jon: So it is possible for someone to survive out here on their own.

Ashter: Well, possible for the Halfhand.


One of the Night's Watch stands guard while the other set up camp .

Man: About time you did something. At least you'll keep warm.

Sam: The Fist of the First Men. Think of how old this place is. Before the Targaryens defeated the Andals, before the Andals took Westeros from the First Men.

Edd: Before I die, please, stop talking.

Sam: Thousands and thousands of years ago, the First Men stood here where we're standing all through the long night. What do you think they were like, the First Men?

Edd: Stupid. Smart people don't find themselves in places like this.

Grenn laughs

A horn sounds, and the men pause from their labor to see what is going on.

Grenn: Wildlings?

Jon: One blast is for rangers returning. Wildlings is two blasts.

Edd: So you got to stand there waiting, wondering. One blast for friends, two for foes.

Sam: And three for White Walkers. It's been a thousand years, but that's the only time they blow the horn three times.

Grenn: But if it's been a thousand years, how do you know?

Sam: Well I read it in a book.

Edd: I read it in a book.

Edd and Grenn begins walks away leaving.

Ashter: It's Qhorin Halfhand.

Edd: Aye, we'll live another day. Hurrah.

Ashter: Shut it, Edd!


Jaran and Natasha sits at the high table while Arina cracks a nut. Rylen sits beside her.

And it's not just thieves, my lord. There's wolves in them hills now, more than I ever seen. They come down in the night and they kill my sheep. My three sons is away fighting for your son, my lord. They'll fight, keep fighting till they're told to go home. I have no one to man my flock now. Only me. I can't keep watch all day and all night.

Jaran: We can send two orphan boys from Winterstown home with you to help watch over your flock if you can give them room and board.

My wife always prayed for more children. We'll look after them. Thank you, my lord. And may the gods bless you and yours.

He turns and leaves the great hall.

Natasha: Arina, stop it!

Jaran: If that's everyone, I'm gonna go for ride before dark. Clear my head

Rylen: Do you wish to have Knights accompany you, my lord?

Jaran: I may be old, Rylen but I still know how to defend myself.

He turns towards his wife

Jaran: I'll be back before dark

Natasha: Good

A guard runs inside the hall

Guard: My Lord, Torrhen's Square is under siege.

Natasha: Torrhen's Square is barely fouty leagues from Winterfell. How can the Lannisters strike so far north?

Rylen: Might be a raiding party led by the Mountain. Might be sellswords paid by Tywin Lannister.

Arina: We have to help them.

Jaron: Most of the Knights are away with Carmine.

Rylen: I can gather 200 decent men

Natasha: Do you need so many?

Jaran: If we can't protect our own bannermen, why should they fight alongside us? Rylen, take as many as you need.

Arine: Be safe

Rylen: I'm always safe, my love

He pecks her on the lips and leaves the hall.

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