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Alver, Carmine, and Lucas are gathered around in the War Room of Whitehall; known as the Map with the White Map.

Carmine: What is the damage to the castle?

Alver: Not bad actually. The masons are working around the clock as we speak to shore up what was broken. One of the guard towers was destroyed.

Lucas: I can have our masons help with the reconstructions.

Alver eyes him carefully but nods his head

Alver: We'll take all the help we can get.

Carmine: Where is Lady Relina and Rayna?

Alver: Overseeing the woman and children back to their homes.

Blane enters the hall

Blane: The prisoners are currently imprisoned in the dungeons.

Alver: They will be set free in the coming days and sent on their way back to the Iron Islands.

He looks around at the three

Alver: Get your rest. Stay as long as you need. The Keep is yours

Carmine bows his head as he and Blane leaves the hall. Lucas and Alver eye each other

Alver: Be on your best behavior, Lucas.

Lucas: I'm always on my best behavior, Lord Alver

He smiles sinisterly as he walks past him. Alver who watches him leave the room.


Arren is reading a parchment sent from King's Landing as Aldo, Gronn, and Karyon all stands around listening

Arren: I, Joffrey of the House Baratheon, first of my name, the rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, do hereby proclaim my grandfather, Tywin Lannister, the savior of the city and the Hand of the King. I hereby order the Order of the Red Ring to be disbanded and their Knights come to King's Landing and bends the knee and swear to serve me as my protectors.

Gronn(scoffs): He has the Kingsguard. Why does he want us?

Karyon: He thinks having the Order at his side will make him feared and invincible.

Arren rolls up the scroll and places it on the table.

Aldo: Stannis and Lianna lost a great number of their fleet.

Arren: Aldo, Baelish has been granted as Lord of Harrenhal.

Gronn and Karyon both rolls their eyes

Gronn: Of course he did.

Arren: Also it seems the Tyrells have asked to joined their houses with Margery wedding to Joffrey

Aldo: Olenna won't like that one bit

Arren: Agreed. She's tough old bird for sure.


Margaery Tyrell steps forward, Alyssa stares at her in awe at the beautiful woman. Her jaw drops. She turns and walks away. Baelish catches up to her

Baelish: Alyssa Waters.

Alyssa: Lord Baelish

Baelish: I know of what Joffrey did to you, my lady. You don't deserve his beatings and I also know of your affection for Lady Cersei. You're a woman, the King will enjoy you in other ways

Alyssa: But I----

Baelish: He'll free you? Joffrey's not the sort to give away his toys. I knew your mother. She had a tender heart. I see so much of her in you. She was a dear friend of mine. For her sake, I will help you escape.

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