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Edd and Grenn are working in the pig pen shoveling crap and mud.

Grenn: When people talk about the Night's Watch, they never mention the shoveling.

Edd: Or the shit.

Grenn: They tell you about honor, pardoning crimes, and protecting the realm, but shoveling really is most of it.

Edd: And getting attacked or killed or worse. And that.

Grenn: But when you're not getting attacked or killed, usually you're shoveling.

Edd: Oh, look. More shit. I was starting to wonder what to do with the rest of my day.

Ashter walks up to them

Ashter: Try being the son of Tywin Lannister and living at Casterly Rock

Grenn: Fair point

Edd: It was that bad, Ashter? Being Tywin Lannister's son?

Ashter: You have no bloody idea how bad it was, Edd. Though I do love my brothers, Tommen, and Myrcella. Joffrey and Cersei can rot for all I care. 

Rast walks up and stands at the side of the pen

Rast: We need to get out of here

Ashter: When the Lord Commander says we go, then we shall go.

Rast: The Lord Commander told us to go to the Fist of the First Men. How'd that turn out for us?

Edd: He had no way of knowing.

Rast: We do now. We know what's out there.

Grenn: Craster's been out here surviving.

Rast: So he's your new protector now? Our good friend Craster?

Ashter: We're like the sons he never had.

Rast: Mormont isn't gonna save you. This lummox here isn't gonna save you. When the walkers come calling, Craster will serve us up like so many pigs. If we want to live we'll have to look out for ourselves.

Ashter: Shut the fuck up, Rast


Carmine and Samuel are sparring together in the courtyard, Samuel brings his sword around as Carmine clinks his sword against his.

Carmine: Good footwork. Remember to keep your feet moving. Never show your next move to your opponent.

Samuel nods his head as they continue clinking their swords together. Edam and Blane are walking across the courtyard

Edam: Samuel's gonna be a proper warrior when Carmine is done with him.

Blane: Aye, he's a skilled fighter for damn sure.

Edam: What are your plans when this is done?

Blane: I do not know. Perhaps go back to Winterfell or maybe sail across the Narrow Sea, find out what is out there.

Edam: Maybe you'll find yourself a woman

Blane makes a face and shrugs

Blane: Let us hope she has blonde hair. I really fancy blondes.

Edam: I'll return to Riverbell, continue my squire duties for House Fisher.

Blane: No other dreams besides that? Perhaps Lord Korber would give you more duties. Perhaps even give you----

Edam: I am considering returning home back to House Forrester. Maybe it is time I return home.


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