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Aldo is walking though the yard when Lannister soldiers surrounds him and takes out their swords. Aldo sighs before unsheathing his own sword.

Aldo: Come at me then.

The soldiers charges towards him but Aldo with rapid and quickly skill quickly takes out each and every one. He walks up to the last remaining one and drives his sword though the man's chest killing him

He wipes down his blade and runs away.


Ned is imprisoned. It is completely dark. Suddenly, a door is opened, light flows in, and someone is heard approaching. He looks in the direction of the light, and a hooded person is walking towards him carrying a torch. When the person gets closer, it is revealed to be Varys

Varys: Lord Stark, you must be thirsty.

He kneels beside Ned and offers him a skin of water.

Ned [confused] Varys?

Varys continued to offer the water, but Ned does not take it.

Varys: I promise you, it isn't poisoned. Why is it no one ever trusts the eunuch?

He drinks from it to prove himself. Afterwards he again offers it to Ned, who is handcuffed by the wrists, takes the skin and drinks from it rather quickly.

Varys: Not so much, My Lord. I would save the rest, if I were you. Hide it; men have been known to die of thirst in these cells.

Ned: What of my daughters? Aldo?

Varys: The younger one seems to have escaped the castle. Even my little birds cannot find her. Aldo has disappeared as well.

Ned sighs relieved.

Ned: And Sansa?

Ned: And Sansa?

Varys: Still engaged to Joffrey. Cersei will keep her close. The rest of your household, though....all dead, it grieves me to say. I do so hate the sight of blood.

Ned: [bitter] You watched my men being slaughtered and did nothing.

Varys: [obviously] And would again, My Lord. I was unarmed, unarmored and surrounded by Lannister swords. When you look at me, do you see a hero?

Ned says nothing and takes a drink from the skin.

Varys: What madness led you to tell the Queen you had learned the truth about Joffrey's birth?

Ned: The madness of mercy. That she might save her children.

Varys: Ah, the children. It's always the innocents who suffer. It wasn't the wine that killed Robert, nor the boar. The wine slowed him down and the boar ripped him open, but it was your mercy that killed the King.

Ned glances at Varys, looking thoughtful, but also still looking bitter.

Varys: I trust you know you're a dead man, Lord Eddard?

Ned: The Queen can't kill me. Cat holds her brother.

Ned takes another drink.

Varys: The wrong brother, sadly. And lost to her. Your wife has let the Imp slip through her fingers.

Ned looks shocked, then hopeless.

Ned: If that's true, then slit my throat and be done with it.

Varys: Not today, My Lord.

He stands up and starts to leave.

Ned: Tell me something, Varys: who do you truly serve?

Varys turns back to face Ned, who still looks bitter.

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