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Stannis and Lianna stands among the maps in the War Room. Melisandre and Gendry enters the room flanked by soldiers. Stannis walks over grabbing Gendry by his face and looks at him

Stannis: Half Robert, half lowborn.

Melisandre: Show the boy to his chambers. Have the maids draw him a bath and find him some decent clothes. I'll come visit you soon.

Stannis and the guards escorts Gendry out of the room.

Lianna: What do you mean to do with him?

Melisandre: You know what I mean to do with him.

Lianna: Don't torture him. I don't care what my father thinks. That boy is my family

Melisandre: Have you ever slaughtered a lamb, little flame?

Lianna: No.

Melisandre: If the lamb sees the knife, she panics. Her panic seeps into her meat, darkens it, fouls the flavor.

Lianna: You've slaughtered many lambs?

Melisandre: And none have seen the blade.

She cups her face in her hands and presses their lips together, Lianna closes her eyes throwing her arms around her neck, moving her lips passionately against hers, smiling into the kiss.


Alyssa is resting her head on Margaery's lap inside Margaery's chambers. Margaery twirls a lock of her hair around her finger while placing her hand on the girl's chest.

Alyssa: If my uncle murdered my his own brother all to use his own daughter as a claim for power, what's to stop Cersei from doing the same?

Margaery: Don't think like that, Kitten. Joffrey won't hurt you anymore.

Alyssa: How can you possibly know that? He's cruel and vicious. A monster

She sits up and moves closer to her. Margaery reaches her hands up and cups her face in her hands

Margaery: Because I won't let him, darling. I won't let him harm you. I will not allow him to harm you. Now come here

She pulls the scared bastard girl into her arms, Alyssa buries her head into her chest while Margaery runs her finger though her hair.

Alyssa: I want to stop being a scared girl. I want to be brave.

Margaery: You are brave, darling

Alyssa: Why do you kiss me?

Margaery: Because I wanted to kiss you

Alyssa: Why did you want to kiss me? What if someone saw?

Margaery: Two women is not unheard of. In Dorne, women do it all the time and Cersei has bedded you, hasn't she?

Alyssa nods her head, tears beginning to form in her eyes, her heart breaking.

Alyssa: I thought------I thought she cared about me. I wanted her to. I lov-----I loved her but she didn't care about me.

Margaery: Then she is a fool for not caring about you. You are truly special, Alyssa. I care about you.

She tilts her head down kissing her lovingly on the forehead.


Lianna is in her chambers when the door opens and Melisandre opens holding a box.

Melisandre: When I was your age, I lived on one bowl of stew a day. And stew is a kind word for it.

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