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Thunder rumbles through the darkness. It is raining at the gold cloak encampment. Two gold cloaks are arguing over who is the best fighter.

Guard 1: It's got to be the Mountain. He's the biggest. He's the strongest.

Rennick: Bulls are bigger than lions. Doesn't mean I'd pick a bull in a fight.

Guard 1: If the bull had fangs and claws, I would. Right, the Mountain or our man Jaime.

Rennick: If he ever gets out.

Guard 1: Loras Tyrell?

Rennick: Loras Tyrell. He's prettier than the Queen.

Guard 1: I don't care about pretty. He's better with a sword than any of them.

Rennick: How good could he be? He's been stabbing Renly Baratheon for years, and Renly ain't dead.

They laugh, and a horse neighs nervously.

Rennick: The horses seem a little spooked to you? They're horses.

Gurad 1: They get spooked by their own shadows.

Rennick Shh. Do you hear that?

Guard 1: No.

Rennick: There's something out there.

The soldiers both stand to investigate the darkness. They move forward cautiously, until Rennick lets out a loud fart. GUARD #1 jumps

Guard 1: Oh. Oh, you're a right little prick.

Guard 2: You should see your face.

Rennick: I swear you pissed yourself. "Oh, who goes there? Ahh!"

Guard 1: There is something out there.

Rennick: Yeah, don't even try me.

Guard 1: Rennick.

Rennick: Do you think I'm an idiot?

Guard 1: Rennick!

He draws his sword. A shadowy figure leaps out of the darkness slicing his sword attacking Rennick. Robb, Carmine, Carth, Korb and Robb's northmen sit quietly on their horses listening as the figure; Blane launches his attack on the men.


Horses neigh and soldiers cries out in pain. Carth, Carmine, Korb, Roose Bolton and Robb walks though the aftermath followed by handful of Northern soldiers

Carth: Five Lannisters dead for every one of ours.

Roose: They're dead. Take everything they've got. We've nowhere to keep all these prisoners. Barely enough food to feed our own.

Robb: We're not executing prisoners, Lord Bolton.

Roose: Of course, Your Grace. The officers will be useful. Some of them may be privy to Tywin Lannister's plans.

Carmine: I doubt it.

Roose: Well, we'll learn soon enough. In my family, we say, "A naked man has few secrets. "A flayed man none."

Carth: Flaying was outlawed in the North, Roose.

Roose: We're not in the North

Korb: We're not torturing men

Carmine: Do not bring it up again, Lord Bolton.

Roose: The high road's very pretty, but you'll have a hard time marching your army down it.

Robb: The Lannisters hold prisoners of their own. I won't give them an excuse to abuse my sisters.

A wounded soldier struggles as Talisa removes his tattered pants and tries to tend to his bloody legs while another woman tries to help.

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