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Blane is running through the woods outside Winterfell when a pale skinned woman appears in front of him. He steps closer eyeing the woman in confusion

Jon: Don't think too much, Blane

Suddenly Jon, Korb, and Robb appears beside him.

Korb: Come on, you're worse then Bran is at relaxing your bow arm.

Blane looks at them confused then turns his eyes back towards the pale skinned woman

Woman: Do not worry, Brightborn. The time is fast approaching.

Blane: Brightborn? What the Seven hells are you babbling about?

Woman: You are the Chosen One.

She curls her lips up into a smirk and disappears out of sight.

Brandon: Only a lad of ten and already a expert bowman

Blane looks around hearing his father's voice

Blane: Father?

Darreth Stark appears beside him. Blane spins around and looks at him in confusion

Darreth: You can end it, you know?

Blane: What?

Darreth: You are the one who can save us all, Blane. You are the one who is meant to wield it.

Blane: Meant to wield what? One what?

Darreth: You are the Brightborn. Destined to save us all. Now wake up, nephew. Wake up.


Robb: BLANE!!

Korb: WAKE UP!!

Blane jolts his head off the table rubbing his eyes seeing Carth, Carmine, Korber, Samuel, Robb, and Korb all looking at him in concerned

Carth: Are you alright?

Korber: You looked like you were having a bad dream?

Blane: Yeah. Yeah. I'm all right. Bad dream I think. If you would excuse me

He stands up and walks out of the chamber. Robb sends Carmine a look and he nods leaving the room

Carmine: Blane. Blane

He runs up to him grabbing his arm and turns him around to face him

Carmine: What is wrong?

Blane: I don't honestly know.

Carmine: What kind of dream did you have?

Edam walks up to them standing beside Carmine

Blane: I don't know. I was in the woods outside Winterfell, running when this pale skinned woman appeared in front of me and then Uncle Darreth showed up.

Edam: Lord Ned's brother? The one who went across the Narrow Sea?

Blane: Yes.

Carmine: Do you have strange dreams often?

Blane: Not like this. Mostly it's just pitch blackness and only whispers.

Carmine: What else can you tell us?

Blane: Uncle Darreth said the name Dawnbringer

Edam: What the hell is Dawnbringer?

Carmine: Seven hells.

Edam and Blane looks at him, eyes narrowed in confusion

Carmine: It's an old legend. Dates back to the Age of Heroes 10,000 years ago. During the first Long Night, Bran the Builder secured the oaths of knights and sellswords in the fight against the White Walkers but when they were called, they turned and ran into Blackwood Valley. So in return, Bran cursed them to never rest until they fulfilled their oath.

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