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The wind howls as Ashter runs, desperate and exhausted, through blizzard conditions of blinding snow.

He comes to a stop, ahead a Night Watchmen's kneels in the snow

Ashter: Brother?

He approaches the kneeling figure, and realizes that the man is decapitated and holding his own lifeless head in his lap. He looks defeated.

He turns and his eyes widen as he sees the undead Free Folk striding towards him. The ghoul raises his axe to strike, and he takes out his sword. As the last moment, a direwolf pounces on the undead man, saving his life. As Ashter lies stunned, Ghost pulls the his attacker away by the ankle. The ghoul shakes his way free and claws forward to Ashter, grabbing at his legs. As he scrambles backwards, a torch lights the ghoul on fire. Engulfed in flames, the undead wildling finally collapses.

He looks up to see Jeor and the Night Watch's

Jeor: Did you send the ravens?

Ashter looks down in shame

Jeor: Damn it, Ashter! We need to get back to the Wall. It's a long march. We know what's out there, but we have to make it, have to warn them or before winter's done, everyone you've ever known will be dead.


Davos lies on a rocky shore, bruised, battered, and dehydrated. He looks out to the sea and sees a boat in the distance. He climbs atop the rocks and starts waving. He removes his shirt in desperation and waves that as well.

Davos: Here. Here! Help me!

A horn blows from the distant. Davos is relieved. Later a boat sails from the ship. Davos waits for them to row to shore.

Man: Who are you?

Davos: I was in the battle at Blackwater. I was a captain and a knight.

Man: Aye, ser, and serving which king?

Davos: The one true Queen.......Lianna Baratheon.

Another man steps out of the boat, his face covered with a hood before he lowers it down showing his face. Davos is wide eyed in shock.

Davos: Khort?

The man smiles throwing him a rope; Khort Reed

Khort: Hello again.....Ser Davos.


Davos and Khort are sitting in the captain quarters.

Khort: I thought you were dead.

Davos: I assumed you were dead.

Khort: Your son?

Davos nods his head

Khort: He may have swam ashore as you did.

Davos: No, the wildfire took him. I saw it.

Khort pours wine into one of the goblets and slides it across the table

Khort: I am sorry, my friend. I too lost a son. There is nothing worse in this world. But, Davos, you were a good father.

Davos: If I was a good father, he'd still be here. Stannis lives? Lianna?

Khort: They're back licking their wounds at Dragonstone.

Davos: Will you take me there?

Khort: There is nothing for me at Dragonstone

Davos: The war is not over.

Khort: Not for you, maybe but it is for Khort Reed.

Davos: We're both sworn to Lianna Baratheon, Khort.

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