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Tyrion is sleeping in one of the kennels. but is suddenly woken up by the howling of the dogs. Joffrey and THE HOUND are shown watching him.

Joffrey: Better looking bitches than you're used to, Uncle.

Tyrion slowly staggers up.

Joffrey: My mother's been looking for you. We ride for King's Landing today.

Tyrion: Before you go, you will call on Lord and Lady Stark and offer your sympathies.

He walks out of the kennel and stands by Joffrey

Joffrey: What good will my sympathies do them?

Tyrion: None. But it is expected of you. Your absence has already been noted.

Joffrey: The boy means nothing to me. [to THE HOUND] And I can't stand the wailing of women.

Ashter walks up and slaps Joffrey across the face

Ashter: One more word and I'll hit you again.

Joffrey: I'm telling mother!

Asther slaps him again

Ashter: Go on! I dare you, nephew. But first you will get to Lord and Lady Stark, and you will fall on your knees in front of them and tell them how very sorry you are, that you are at their service, and that all your prayers are with them. Do you understand?

Joffrey You can't - !

Ashter slaps him a third time

Ashter: Do I need to keep slapping you?

Joffrey turns and stomps off

The Hound: The Prince will remember that, Lord

Asther: I'm not a Lord.


Tyrion and Ashter walks into the dining hall

Tyrion: Bread. And two of those little fish. And a mug of dark beer to wash it down. And bacon, burnt black.

Ashter picks up Tommen and sits him down. He and Tyrion joins Jamie, Cersei, Myrcella, Tommen, and Robert at the table.

Robert: Is the food this good at the Wall, Ashter?

Ashter: We make somewhat tasty stews, Robert.

Jaime: Little brothers.

Asther: Brother.

Tyrion: Beloved siblings. Robert

Cersei looks at them bored as they begin eating.

Myrcella: Is Bran going to die?

Ashter: No he's not, Mycrella.

Myrcella smiles, nodding her head relieved. Ashter smiles ruffling her hair slightly.

Cersei: What do you mean?

Tyrion: The Maester says the boy may live.

Ashter looks between Cersei and Jaime seeing them looking worried. He rolls his eyes.

Cersei: It's no mercy, letting a child linger in such pain.

Tyrion: Only the Gods know for certain. All the rest of us can do is pray.

Ashter: The charms of the North seem entirely lost on you.

Cersei: I still can't believe you're going. It's ridiculous even for you.

Tyrion: Where's your sense of wonder? The greatest structure ever built, the intrepid men of the Night's Watch

Ashter: The wintry abode of the White Walkers

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