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A crashes open as Craster throws Jon through it and onto the floor.

Craster: Out, all of you.

Jeor, Ashter and the other Brothers all leap up to their feet.

Craster: This bastard's been meddling where he shouldn't!

He kicks Jon in the stomach

Craster: (pointing at Jeor with the handle of Jeor's sheathed sword) I want you and your men gone. And you will make this right.

Jon spits out blood.

Jeor: Wait outside.

Ashter: Lord Commander---

Jeor: Now!

Ashter and everyone leaves the lodge.


Ashter walks towards Sam who's tending to Jon's wounds

Ashter: Sam, leave us

Sam: Ashter---

Ashter gives him a look and Sam nods his head walking past him.

Ashter: Okay what happened?

Jon: I followed him. He took the baby into the woods, the newborn.

Ashter: What business is that of yours?

Jon: No, you don't understand. He's killing them, all the boys...

Ashter's face falls as he takes in the news, he lets out a sigh

Jon: You knew?

Ashter: Wildlings serve crueler gods than you or I. Those boys are Craster's offerings.

Jon: Offerings? He's murdering his own children. He's a monster.

Ashter: Aye, many a time that monster has been the difference between life and death for our rangers, your uncle among them. We have other wars to fight, out there. Like it or not, we need men like Craster.

Jon: I... I saw it. I saw... something take that child.

Ashter: And you'll see it again, Snow. Prepare the Lord Commander's horse. We leave at dawn.

He hands Jon Longclaw

Ashter: Stop losing this thing.

Jon watches as Ashter walks away.


The day begins in Whitehall Keep. Two men work together to fix a wheel on a cart while another man rides in on a horse pulling a cart. Chickens cluck in the background. Rayna is walking though the yard, a guard walks up

Norman: My lady

Rayna: Norman.

Norman: Your brother and mother are looking for you. They're in the Great Hall

Rayna: Thank you

He bows his head and walks past her.

She walks though the corridor passing a man in a hooded figure, she narrows her eyes at the man

Rayna: Do I know you? I've seen you before.

The man lifts his head up showing his face and cold emotionless eyes; Jakor Sunglass.

Jakor: No, I just have one of those faces.

Rayna: Oh my apologies

Jakor: No apology, my lady

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