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Alton Lannister stands in front of Robb while Rikard Karstark, Carth, Carmine, Korb, Blane, and Roose looks on.

Robb: And what did she say?

Alton: She admired your spirit, Your Grace.

Robb: And what then?

Alton: She, uh...

Robb: If every man were held accountable for the actions of every distant relative, Ser Alton, we'd all hang.

Alton: She tore the paper in half, Your Grace.

Robb: You've acted with honor. I thank you for it. Lord Karstark, see that Ser Alton's pen is clean, and give him a hot supper.

Carime: Ser Alton's pen is occupied, Your Grace. The prisoners from the Yellow Fork.

Roose: Too many prisoners.

Robb: Is there room for Ser Alton?

Korb: Does he want to lie down and take a nap?

Robb: Have the men build him a new pen. Put him in with the Kingslayer for now. Have your boy watch over them.

Carmine: Samuel!

Samuel steps forward to take charge of his newly given task.

Robb: That will be all.

Samuel grabs Alton's shoulder and leads him out of the tent as does everyone else. Korb and Blane stays behind when Talisa enters

Talisa: Your Grace. A minute of your time?

Korb and Blane looks between her and Robb before leaving.


Carth looks up as Korb enters the tent.

Carth: What's wrong, Korb?

Korb sighs sitting down in one of the chairs

Korb: It's Robb and that Talisa girl.

Carth: What of them?

Korb: He fancies her but he's agreed to marry one of Walder Frey's daughter. I know I'm the one who shouldn't be worried about this but if---

Carth: I understand where you're coming from. I'm worried too. I always try to let my children follow their hearts and make the choices they want but Robb is playing a dangerous game.

Korb: If he angers Walder Frey, he could side with the Lannisters or something worse could happen.

Carth: I'll talk to him when he returns.


Blane and Edam are sparring with each other, clinking their swords against each other. Blane looks over where Jamie and Alton sharing a cell

Edam: I squired for him once.

Blane: Who?

Edam: Jaime.

Blane: Seriously? When?

Edam: The day of Williem Frey's Wedding.

Blane: I think I went to that. I can't remember

Edam: His squire got drunk and threw up on his horse. That was the first time I ever squired to anyone

Blane: How was it? Being the sister fucker's squire?

Edam: Horrible actually. He's a fucking cunt. I was in my 14 year. I didn't know any better.

They sheathe their swords and begins walking though the camp

Blane: Well I've never been anyone's squire. Had a chance to squire Ser Barristan Selmy but didn't get the chance.


Catelyn sits in her tent when Brienne leads Korber inside.

Korber: My Lady

Catelyn: Lord Korber. What is it?

Korber: They caught the Kingslayer.

Korb is leading Jaime in chains with Blane marching behind the Kingslayer.

The other soldiers assault him verbally. They jostle at one another in an attempt to make the assault physical, but his captors keep the other men away.

Man: Kingslayer!

Kill the fucking Kingslayer!

Hang him!

Hang him!

You'll die today.

Justice for the Karstark.

They proceed further into the camp, but the angry soldiers eventually overpower Korb and Blane. Jaime is hit over the head and falls. Carmine, Carth, and Samuel runs up stepping in between the men and Jaime

Carmine: Hey knock it off!

Carth: Stand down now!

KARSTARK swiftly approaches the crowd and draws his sword.

Karstark: Get back! I want his head! Any man who stands between a father and his vengeance asks for death.

Catelyn and Korber approaches

Catelyn: This man is our prisoner

Karstark: He killed my son!

Carth: He will answer for his crimes, Rickard. Not here

Karstark: If you try and stop me, Carth.....

Karstark: I will have his head and if you try to stop me

Samuel: Did you just threaten Lord Whitehall?

Catelyn: You will strike me down? Have you forgotten me, ser? I am the widow of your liege, Lord Eddard Stark. I am the mother of your king!

Karstark: And where is our king now?

Korb: You know damn well where he is.

Karstark: He has gone to the Crag to accept the surrender. Aye, gone to the Crag, but not to negotiate. He brought that foreign bitch with him.

Carmine: Don't you dare talk about our King like that, Karstark.

Samuel begins to draw his sword

Samuel: No one threatens Lady Stark. That is an act of treason.

Karstark: Treason? How can it be treason to kill Lannisters?

Carth: In the name of the King in the North, I command you to stand down.

Carmine: Stand down now, Lord Karstark.

Karstark: When your son returns, I will demand this murderer's head.

Catelyn: Wise men do not make demands of kings.

Karstark: Fathers who love their sons do. I will have his head.

He turns and stomps away

Jaime: Thank you for defending me, Lord Whitehall. I would have come to your---

Blane slaps him upside the back of the head

Blane: Stop talking.

Catelyn: Take him to the stockades. Bind him with every chain you can find!

Jaime: You've become a real she-wolf in your later years. There's not much fish left in you.

Carth: And gag him!

Blane and Samuel lifts Jamie off his feet and drags him away though the crowd.


Carmine and Korber watches as men argue nearby in concerne

Korber: The King will return in the dawn.

Carmine: The Kingslayer won't survive the night. The more they drink, the angrier they'll get. And when the Karstarks draw their swords Who wants to die defending a Lannister?

Korber: No one would defend the Kingslayer. Carmine, yes considering he's the honorable Lannister.

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