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Davos walks the deck and looks out the stern at the rest of the ships. Lianna is looking out before turning and throws her head over the side, throwing up from nervousness. 

Davos and his son Matthos are standing on the deck of the ship

Matthos: That's it. The tide's against us.

Davos: Aye, but we have the wind. She'll blow us straight to the gates.

Matthos: You're coming home.

Davos: King's Landing hasn't been home for twenty years. I spent most of my life dodging the royal fleet. And now I'm sailing right at them.

Matthos: This is the royal fleet. And you're not a smuggler anymore, you're the high captain.

Davos: Of course, there are several royal fleets at the moment.

Mattos: Not after tonight. When the sun rises, Lianna will sit on the Iron Throne and you will be her Hand.

Davos: Gods be good.

Matthos: God. Father, there is only one and he watches over us.

Davos: But not over them?

Mattos: Over all of us. The people of King's Landing did not choose the false king, Joffrey Baratheon. They will be glad to see his head on a spike.

Davos: Well, first, we have to put it there.

Matthos: Our ships outnumber theirs ten-to-one.

Davos: Our army outnumber theirs five-to-one. Those walls have never been breached, and the men guarding the walls, when they see you, they don't see a liberator, they see a stranger come to set their city on fire.

Matthos: I have faith in the Lord of Light. I have faith in our cause. And I have faith in my captain.


Aldo, Karyon, and Arren are standing in the map room around the table

Aldo: When will Stannis's forces begin the siege?

Arren: Not long, Commander. 

Karyon: Lianna has the bigger army but never underestimate the Lannisters. They always has a trick up their sleeves. 

Aldo moves his hand along the map of King's Landing before looking up

Aldo: Arren, are your birds in position?

Arren: Ready and willing to safely remove Tommen and Myrcella if the need arises. 

Kayron: No Cersei? Joffrey?

Aldo: Fuck no. Let them burn. 


Carmine and Blane are riding their horses towards a camp with their forces behind them. Lucas and Ramsay walks out of their tents as Carmine and Blane dismounts their horses and approaches

Ramsay: Lord Carmine. Fellow Snow.

Blane eyes them both up and down and lets out a scoff.

Carmine: Ramsay. Lucas

Lucas: Lord Lake. 

He looks around the men Robb sent

Lucas: Is this all the men the "King in the North" sent us?

Blane: It's all we need, Lucas. We know what we're doing.

Carmine: I trust these men with my life. We'll get this done

The four begins walking though the camp

Ramsay: Our scouts has reported the Ironborn are marching closer towards Whitehall Keep. They should be there within the day. 

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