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Catelyn walks alone through the Stark camp. Several bannermen bow to her respectfully as she passes.

Kober: My lady.

Carth: My lady.

Carmine: My lady.

She reaches a small forest outside camp and collapses in grief by one of the trees, crying and sobbing. She hears some screams and the sound of a sword slashing wood nearby. As she gets closer, she realizes it's Robb, fully armoured, slashing his sword against a tree while crying.

Catelyn: Robb. Robb! You've ruined your sword.

Robb drops his sword to the ground and goes to Catelyn. She hugs him and caresses his neck, trying to console him.

Catelyn: Shh! Shh! Shh!

Robb: l'll kill them all. Every one of them. l will kill them all.

Catelyn: My boy. They have your sisters. We have to get the girls back. And then we will kill them all.


Jonos: The proper course is clear - pledge fealty to King Renly and move south to join our forces with his.

Carth: Renly is not the true King.

Jonos: You cannot mean to hold to Joffrey, my lord. He put your father to death.

Robb: That doesn't make Renly king. He's Robert's youngest brother. lf Bran can't be Lord of Winterfell before me, Renly can't be king before Stannis.

Jonos: Do you mean to declare us for Stannis?

Carmine: I can speak for House Lake and my father. We will not declare for Stannis. He's only using his daughter Lianna for his claim

Blane: Damn straight. Fuck Stannis!

Carth: My Lords! My Lords! Here is what l say to these two kings. Renly Baratheon is nothing to me, nor Stannis neither. Why should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the South? What do they know of the Wall or the Wolfswood? Even their gods are wrong! Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again? lt was the dragons we bowed to and now the dragons are dead! There sits the only king l mean to bend my knee to - the King in the North!

He unsheathes his sword and bends the knee to Robb

Carth: The King in the North!

Carmine: I bend the knee to the King in the North

He takes out his sword and bends the knee.

Kober: I bend the knee to the King in the North!

He takes out his sword and bends the knee in front of Robb

Theon: Am l your brother, now and always?

Robb: Now and always.

Blane and Korb takes out their swords and bends the knee.

Korb: The King in the North!

Blane: The King in the North!

They all take out their swords and swear fealty to Robb as Catelyn looks wearily at the whole scene.

All: (chanting) The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North!


Aldo is reading a scroll, tears in his eyes as Karyon and Arren looks on worriedly. Aldo flips over a table and screams

Aldo: I have to get Sansa and Arya back and then I will kill them all.

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