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The council members sit at a table. A man walks to the table with a covered bird cage.

Pycelle: The raven arrived from the Citadel this morning, Your Grace. The conclave has met, (The man sets the cage down and removes the cover), considered reports from Maesters all over the Seven Kingdoms, and declared this great summer done, at last. The longest summer in living memory.

Varys: The peasants say, a long summer means an even longer winter.

Pycelle: A common superstition.

Baelish: We have enough wheat for a five-year winter. If it lasts any longer, (Shrugs indifferently), we'll have fewer peasants.

Janos: The city's drowning in refugees, Your Grace, fleeing the war. We have nowhere to house them, and with winter coming, it'll only get worse.

Cersei gestures to Alyssa who takes the raven off the table.

Cersei: You command the City Watch, do you not, Lord Slynt?

Janos: I do, Your Grace.

Cersei: And are you not a Lord at my command?

Janos: I owe my title and lands to your generosity, Your Grace.

Cersei: Then do your job. Shut the gates to the peasants. They belong in the field, not our capital.

Janos: Yes, Your Grace.

Tyrion begins whistling from a distance. Everyone at the table turns to watch him approach.

Tyrion: Don't get up. More ravishing than ever, big sister.

He kisses Cersei on the cheek

Tyrion: War agrees with you. Forgive the interruption, carry on.

Cersei: What are you doing here?

Tyrion: (Sits down) It's been a remarkable journey. I, (grabs a glass) Pissed off the edge of the Wall with Ashter. I slept in a sky cell. (Pours himself wine). I fought with the hill tribes. So many adventures, so much to be thankful for.

He begins drinking his wine.

Cersei: What are you doing here? This is the small council.

Tyrion: Yes well, I, do believe the Hand of the King is welcome at all small council meetings.

Cersei: Our father is Hand of the King.

Tyrion: Yes, but in his absence...

He pulls out a letter. He hands it to Varys, who opens it, and begins reading it.

Varys: Your father has named Lord Tyrion to serve as Hand in his stead while he fights -

Cersei: Out! All of you out.

The Council members and Alyssa walks out of the room.


Aldo, Karyon, and Arren are gathered in the Great Hall around a table

Arren: Lot of people are fleeing the cities heading away from the war, seeking shelter wherever they can

Karyon: What if we give them shelter here?

Aldo: How many people can the Keep hold?

Arren: Over 300, my lord. We have enough wheat for last two winters alone but a bulk of the Knights have been sent off to aid Robb Stark's war.

Aldo: How many masons do we have?

Karyon: Three.

Aldo: Put them to work maintaining the walls and have tents set up and put word out the Order welcomes anyone seeking shelter and aid from the war.

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