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Ashter is sharpening his sword. He stops and looks up as Sam and Gilly approach him.

Ashter: What're you doing?

Sam: This is Gilly, she's one of Craster's daughters.

Ashter: Hello, Gilly. What're you doing?

Gilly: Sam said you could help.

Ashter: I'm sorry, Sam knows we're not supposed to -

Sam: She's pregnant. (Gilly encourages Sam to continue). We have to take her with us, when we leave.

Ashter: What?

He sands up).

Sam: I know it sounds a bit mad.

Ashter: No it doesn't sound a bit mad, it's impossible.

Sam: The Lord Commander,

Asther tries and fails to interrupt Sam

Sam: we are sworn to protect -

Ashter: Sam we can't take her -

Gilly: Please sir, please. I can still run if I have to.

Ashter: It's just not possible.

Gilly: I'm going to have a baby, if it's a boy I...

Ashter: If it's a boy what? (Gilly looks around and then down, not answering). You want us to risk our lives for you, and you won't even tell us why.

Gilly looks taken aback, and then runs off.

Sam: Why did you do that?

Ashter: I didn't mean it the way it came out. Are you in such a rush to lose your hand?

Sam: I didn't touch her

Ashter: What do you think Craster cuts off for that?

Sam: I can't steal her, she's a person not a goat.

Ashter: We're heading deeper and deeper into wildling territory. We can't take a girl with us. Mormont wouldn't have it. And even if he would, what would we do with her? Who's gonna deliver her baby? You?

Sam: I could try.

Ashter looks down, annoyed

Sam: What? I've read about it. A bit.

Ashter: I'm sorry Sam, we can't help her.

He sits back down, and returns to sharpening his sword. Sam walks away. When Sam is gone, he sighs deeply.


Korb sits at a bar along with several northmen.

SERVANT: More, my Lord?

Korb: Yes.

The servant pours more wine. Carmine Lake sits down with him

Carmine: So your mother went to see King Renly?

Korb: So it would seem. Soon enough, there will be more Kings then Kingdoms.

Carmine: If your brother allied with Renly Baratheon with the Reach allied with him, we would be unstoppable.

Korb: Somehow I doubt Renly Baratheon will be okay with The North being a free and independent Kingdom.

Carmine: Worst case scenario, we can declare for Renly. Renly is better than Joffrey. Even if the man is... queer.

Korb: We've made something for ourselves that night. The Kingdom of the North. We will not give it up for Renly Baratheon.

Carmine: You've heard of him, haven't you? What he does?

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