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Bran Stark is practicing archery. With him are his brothers, Robb Stark, Korb Stark, their bastard half brother Jon Snow and their bastard cousin Blane Snow.

Bran fires an arrow, but it misses the target, instead hitting a barrel. Bran stomps his foot in frustration. Jon goes over to put his arm around Bran's shoulders.

Jon: Go on. Father's watching. And your mother.

They both glance up at an upper walkway, where their father, Lord Ned Stark, and his wife, Lady Catelyn, are indeed watching. Ned gives Bran an encouraging nod when they make eye contact. Bean nods back, then prepares to fire another arrow

He fires another arrow, but misses the target completely. Robb and Korb are seen suppressing grins, while Jon and Blane chuckle

Ned: And which one of you was a marksman at ten?

Blane: [jokingly] I'm fairly certain I was!

Korb: Not on your life, Blane.....but everyone here knows that I was.

Blane: Go eat a cock!

All of them chuckle. Ned does as well.

Ned: Keep practicing, Bran. Go on.

Jon: Don't think too much, Bran.

Blane: Exhale and aim carefully. You can do this, little cousin.

Bran raises his bow again and takes aim at the target.

Robb: Relax your bow arm.

Bran pulls the arrow back and prepares to fire. An arrow is shown hitting the direct center of the target, but Bran wasn't the one who fired it. He looks back, only to see Arya holding a bow, a bemused look on her face; it is evident that she was the one who fired the arrow. The others look back and notice Arya, who curtseys. Bran starts chasing after her

Korb: Quick, Bran! faster!

Jon, Korb, Blane, and Robb all watch, laughing. Both Ned and Catelyn watch from the balcony, looking amused.

Aldo: Lord Stark

Ned and Catelyn turns seeing Aldo Sharp, master at arms of Winterfell approaching with Theon Greyjoy behind him.

Aldo: A guardsman just rode in from the hills. They've captured a deserter from the Night's Watch.

Ned looks away, uncomfortable. After a second, he looks back up again.

Ned: Get the lads to saddle their horses.

Theon nods and leaves.

Catelyn: Do you have to?

Ned: He swore an oath, Cat.

Aldo: The law is law, my lady.

Catelyn looks away. She is clearly not pleased.

Ned: Tell Bran he's coming, too.

She looks back at Ned, surprised. Aldo nods and departs.

Catelyn: Ned, ten is too young to see such things.

Ned: He won't be a boy forever. And winter is coming.

He departs. She watches him go, still clearly not pleased. In the courtyard, Robb, Korb, Jon, and Blane are picking up the arrows that were used in archery practice and are putting them away. As Jon and Blane are putting away the arrow, they glances up at Catelyn on the balcony. She gives them a look of strong dislike. Korb notices this, glances at Jon and Blane, then back at his mother, with a mixture of sadness and shakes his head.

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