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A thunderstorm rages on. Talisa is drying Robb's hair with a towel. Korb, Blane, Catelyn, and Edmure are sitting around the map table. Carth and Korber are standing at the table. Alix enters the tent

Korber: Alix? What are you doing here?

Aix: Father. Your Grace. My Lady

Robb: Alix.

Alix: The rain will cost you another day

Robb: Frey will wait. He knows we're coming.

Catelyn: Lord Walder is prickly by nature.

Korber: Prickly? That what you call it? Might be the least pleasant man I've ever met.

Catelyn: Yes, and that is why-

Blane: I've seen wet shits I liked better than Walder Frey.

Korb: He's getting what he wants so he can wait a couple more days.

Catelyn: He's getting a wedding. It was a king he wanted.

Robb: Korb is the best match a Frey has had in the history of their house. We should all get some sleep.

Korb rolls his eyes

Aix: May I speak in private? I have urgent news.

Catelyn and Talisa nods their heads and leaves the tent.

Korber: What is it?

Alix: It's Riverbell

Blane: What's going on at Riverbell?

Robb: Is it---

Alix: There's been rumors of open rebellion. That is the reason I've been delayed.

Korber's eyes widen in shock and horror as he exchanges a look with Carth

Korber: What?

Robb: Open rebellion in Riverbell? Who is to blame for this?

Korb: The Lannisters?

Alix: I suspect the Order of Chaos.

Carth and Korber looks at each other worriedly while Robb, Blane, and Korb looks confused

Korb: The what of what?

Blane: Huh? I'm confused.

Carmine enters the tent, hair wet from the rain

Carmine: Order of Chaos is a secret society that is supposed to be long dead. Has been for the last 3,000 years. The Red Order made sure of that.

Blane: Well looks like they failed.

Robb: What is their goal?

Carth: What their name says; peace through the means of chaos. Stripping away the freedom of the people, ruling with an iron fist.

Alix: That is why I stayed behind, to find out if the rumors are true and what is flaming them.

Korber turns and looks at Robb

Korber: Your Grace..........after the wedding, I need to return to Riverbell and put an end to whatever is happening

Robb: No need to explain. Head home and do what you must. If you need us, we shall come to your aid.

Korber: Thank you, Your Grace

He and Alix walks out of the tent

Blane: Carmine, you never said you were a member of the Red Order?

Carmine: I haven't been long, only a couple years. Uncle Kayron was the one who put my name forward.

Robb: How serious a threat is this Order of Chaos, Carmine?

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