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Robb, Korb, and Brynden wade deep into the river releasing the funeral boat of Hoster Tully. They walk back to the dock rejoining Catelyn, Blane, and Talisa. Edmure steps forward, holding a bow while everyone looks on. He lights the arrow and fires a shot at the boat but it splashes into the water. He draws another arrow and lights it, he shoots but the arrow splashes into the water.

Korb, Edam, and Blane laughs under their breath biting the inside of their cheeks. Carmine rolls his eyes taking a step forward and takes his bow. He lights a arrow and aims then fires the flaming arrow. The arrow lands in the boat engulfing it in flames

Carmine: You are horrible at archery, Edmure.

He walks off the dock. Korb and Blane are silently snickering to themselves.


Carmine is walking through the courtyard when he sees Samuel wiping down the blade of Lightbringer, he approaches him

Samuel: Lord Carmine, may I ask you for a favor?

Carmine: Sure. What is it, Samuel?

Samuel stands up handing him Lightbringer.

Samuel: I want you to teach me how to be a better swordsman.

Carmine: May I ask why?

Samuel: Seeing all those bodies at Harrenhal has made me want to contribute to Robb's cause in greater ways then being your squire.

Carmine: You are a great squire and if you want to learn how to fight then I shall teach you.

Samuel looks down at his hand seeing the Red Ring on his finger

Samuel: When did you join the Red Ring, Lord?

Carmine raises his hand up and looks at the ring on his finger

Carmine: Uncle Karyon was the one who placed my name forward about 3 winters ago. Being a Knight of the Red Order is the highest of honors. We serve no King or Queen. We serve the Seven Kingdoms and protect the ones who cannot defend themselves.


Robb, Korb, Blane, Edmure, Byrden, Korber, and Carth are gathered in the War Room. Robb is staring out the window.

Edmure: If I may, nephews, I encountered a situation with one of my lieutenants at the Stone Mill which may have some bearing-

Brynden: Why don't you shut your mouth about that damned mill? And don't call him "nephew." He is your king.

Edmure: Robb knows I meant him no disr-

Byrnden: You're lucky I'm not your king. I wouldn't let you wave your blunders around like a victory flag.

Korber: Byrnden, calm down. I am certain Edmure meant no offense.

Edmure: My blunder sent Tywin's mad scurrying back to Casterly Rock with his tail between his legs. I think King Robb understands we're not gonna win this war if he's the only one winning any battles. No, there's glory enough to go around.

Korb: It's not about glory

Robb: Korb's right. Your instructions were to wait for him to come to you.

Edmure: I seized an opportunity.

Carth: What value was this mill?

Korber: What importance of it was to the Mountain?

Edmure: We took the fight to him. He could not withstand us.

Robb: I wanted to draw the Mountain into the west, into our country where we could surround him and kill him. I wanted him to chase us, which he would have done because he is a mad without a strategic thought in his head. I could have that head on a spike by now.

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