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Rylen: Riders coming through!

The gates open to the courtyard as Locke's men rides inside. Brienne looks at Jamie who sits on top of his mount.

Man: The Kingslayer.

One of LOCKE's men forces Brienne and Jamie to kneel in the courtyard.

Man 2: Down!

Locke: On your knees. Lord Lake, I give you the Kingslayer.

He pushes Jamie down with his foot. Jamie falls on his face without resistance and groans.

Jarran: Pick him, Locke.

Locke hoists Jamie up to his feet.

Rylen: You lost a hand, Kingslayer

Locke: Send it to his father?

Jarran: Hold your tongue unless you want to lose it.

He raises his hand and points to Brienne

Jarran: Release Lady Brienne at once.

Brienne's hands are cut free

Jarran: Lady Brienne, you are under my protection now. Rylen, find our guests suitable arrangements and see to that they're well taken care of

Rylen bows his head and walks away.

Jamie: Lord Lake.

Jarran looks at him

Jamie: Is there word from the capital?

Jaran: You haven't heard? Stannis and Lianna Baratheon laid siege to King's Landing. Sailed into Blackwater Bay. Stormed the gates with thousands of men. And your sister, how can I put this? Your sister is alive and well. Your father's forces prevailed.

Jamie sighs out in relief.

Jaran: Jamie isn't well. Take him to the maester.

The men grabs Jamie's arms and leads him away though the courtyard.


Alyssa walks into the courtyard, she walks to the bottom of the stairs

Cersei: Little Bird

Alyssa turns her head seeing Cersei with her hands clasped together

Alyssa: Your Grace.

Cersei: I wonder if I might ask you a favor

Alyssa: Of course.

Cersei: I have reason to believe that House Tyrell do not hold the crown's best interests at heart.

Alyssa: W-what?

Cersei: And you've been spending quite a lot of time with Lady Margaery.

Alyssa: Your Grace, I can----

Cersei backhands her harshly across the face, Alyssa stumbles back, hand placed on her cheek with tears in her eyes

Alyssa: Your Grace.....

Cersei: My father appreciates those who aid his family, as you well know. He's almost as generous to those who help us as he is unpleasant towards those who don't. You have a good relationship with Lady Margaery. I thought you would spy on her for me. Report back anything she says.

Alyssa: I shall-----I shall do my best

Cersei grabs her chin harshly making her flinch at the darkened look in her eyes

Cersei: Thank you and your best will prove to me who you are loyal to.

Alyssa: I assure you I will.

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