Side Story: VegasKei

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Everyone knows Kei is very chaotic, unlike her sister, Rey, or her brother, Theo. She's not calm at all and between the three the most unpredictable one, which is why she's feared.

Kei enjoys the idea of torture and the idea of making people suffer, it's what she does best, she likes to plan people's downfall and gets satisfaction from seeing people begging her.

Kei is also the one who doesn't hide her emotions, especially when she's angry, she doesn't hesitate to use violence when she's provoked, hence getting the image of being the most dangerous one out of the Carozza siblings.

Then comes Vegas, as the relationship between the two starts to bloom, Kei becomes softer, but only when it comes to Vegas and Macau.

When Vegas first meets Kei, his impression towards her is that she's strong, and hard-headed and that she's not afraid to speak her mind or act out what's on her mind. As trust builds up in their relationship, Vegas can see how Kei would get more comfortable with him, especially with her actions.

At the start of their friendship, Kei puts up this image, she'll sit straight, speak to him politely and never cross boundaries, but soon after they're comfortable with each other, she speaks her mind, sits however she wants and sometimes makes Vegas bring her food when he's visiting her.

Vegas finds himself liking the change, liking the fact that she's comfortable enough with him and is treating him like any other normal person, like any other friend and Vegas finds himself getting to know Kei's habit.

One thing Vegas hates about Kei is that she's bad at taking care of herself, she'll forget to eat, she's careless when she's injured, runs herself on coffee 24/7, and enjoys finding trouble. Staying with Kei helps him lessen all of that, he takes it upon himself to focus on himself, his brother, and Kei instead of his own family.

Vegas would make snacks for her, making sure she ate throughout the day, and when she was too immersed in her work sometimes Vegas would just start feeding her, anything as long as she was eating. This goes with her coffee addiction, instead of taking coffee throughout the day, Vegas would ask for either Tea or Smoothie to be prepared for her.

Kei seems to enjoy trouble especially when she's able to make it worse, and so she tends to get injured frequently, mostly small injuries and not fatal wounds. As Vegas started to live with her, he would sometimes get frustrated because somehow she'd gain at least a scratch or bruise even though she was home, so he always made sure any injuries were always taken care of.

One thing that surprises Vegas is that once they take one step further, going from friendship to a relationship, he finds Kei a lot more touchy and soft to him, something he finds as a privilege.

Kei enjoys having a skinship with Vegas, once they confessed, she became more comfortable with touching Vegas, whether it's just holding his hand, linking her arm around his, leaning her head on his shoulder, or anything.

There was one instance where Rey asked to talk privately with Vegas, he thought that she was going to talk about treating Kei well but she ended up asking about how Kei was when she was with him, and any changes.

Vegas ends up talking about how he's treating Kei and how her behavior changes towards him, Rey gapes as he talks about how Kei has become softer and a lot more touchy when she's with him.

Rey mentions to him that Kei is never the type to show her more spoiled side, always wanting to do things on her own, and even as sisters, Kei is never a huge skinship person towards her.

Vegas takes pride in this and after that, he would sometimes flaunt his moment with Kei to Rey and Theo, telling them how adorable and soft she is. Rey and Theo find it amusing, Vegas flaunting over a girl and Kei acting soft and coy towards Vegas, something nobody would expect.

If Vegas has to mention what moment he enjoys with Kei, he would probably have to say the quiet mornings with her. They'll cuddle up in the living room after sending off Macau and Porchay, sometimes with a book and sometimes with the TV on.

This kind of moment is something Vegas comes to enjoy, sometimes it's Kei who's snuggled up against and sometimes it's him who's being held. At that moment, Vegas would find himself in a calm and peaceful state.

He would feel his heart warming up and he'd just hold onto the girl tighter, at those moments he would think about how much he got through, how he's now in a point of living his life freely, not having to put up a facade to protect himself.

I'm falling in love with her -V

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