Chapter 17

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The next day, everyone had breakfast together, and a very domestic picture painted them as they ate. Theo and Rey head out after breakfast, needing to go back to their work as they have a couple of things to catch on. Hearing this Macau and Porchay decide that they'll go back to Kei's house but promises Rey that they'll visit and have sleepovers in the future.

Theo immediately went to his office and started preparing to send back Kim, Pete and Arm. He holds a USB, containing information on Thankhun's incident, he goes to the cell and heads towards Arm.

Theo gives him the USB, mentioning that it's for Kinn. Arm nods, knowing he cannot do anything but obey when it comes to Theo, he knows that he's no match for him.

Theo then released them back to the Theerapanyakuns, the three of them went back with bruises and when they entered the manor, a small chaos ensued.

The three immediately were guided to the medical wing and once Kinn heard about their arrival, he looked for them. He reaches the medical wing and sees Arm waiting.

"What is it?"

"Theo left something for you, Khun Kinn"

"What is it?"


"The content?"

"I haven't checked it yet, Khun."

"Give it to me, I'll see what's in it myself."

"Yes, Khun Kinn"

"How's Kim?"

"Okay, Khun Kinn, there are only bruises"

Just as Arm finishes speaking Thankhun appears, his neon sparkly robe flutters as he rushes towards Arm, hugging the bodyguard as he cries out how cruel the Carozza is for taking him. In the meantime, Kinn heads back to his office.

He observes the USB before plugging it into his computer, he opens his file before guiding the cursor to the USB file, and opening it. Kinn was greeted by a couple of video files, their names with numbers, he furrows his brows as he opens them one by one, from the first one.

The first video shows Kim in their father's office, the two seemingly to talk about something and Kim was then handed a folder. Kim opens it and nods at their father, to which their father then stands up and pats Kim on his shoulder before leaving.

Kinn furrows his brows, confused, he then clicks on the second video. Kim was in a room, a club probably, he was alone, sitting cross-legged when suddenly another person came, and this shocked Kinn as Kim was meeting with a client, to be specific, a partner whose family was making a deal.

Kinn closes the video before opening the next video, the content is the same, Kim was with their family's client or partner, talking and shaking hands. Kinn moved on, anger suddenly bubbling in him, he was on the last video, and once it started playing, Kinn angrily rushed out of his room and back to the medical wing.

The last video shows Kim and Porchay, Kim was bringing him out to his studio seemingly teaching him at first but then he watched Kim lunge forward to kiss the younger on his cheeks.

Kinn's brain starts clicking, Kim starts asking him about Porsche, his new bodyguard, and then he starts going home more frequently, and starts asking about mafia works, he remembers Kim suddenly calling him for the first time in forever, calling him because Porchay was taken.

Kinn has a realization, he now questions what Kim was doing with Porchay, and why Porsche's little brother starts to get involved. Kinn concludes that Kim is doing this to push him out as an heir, he wants to take his place, taking his deals and winning over Porchay to get to Porsche.

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