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My Dearest Readers,

Before you embark upon the tales of Carmella Camden, indulge me as I recount the narratives intertwined with her own. Permit me to introduce myself; I am Lady Sinclair, the widow of Lord Sinclair. Forty years of shared existence blessed us with five children, all happily married. Alas, Lord Sinclair's untimely illness led to my widowhood. Though separated from my love, I find solace in witnessing the blossoming of others' affections, particularly during the seasons—a time adorned with both love and intriguing gossip.

Allow me to digress briefly; rumours abound of the young Lady Grace Wesley, daughter of Earl Wesley, engaging in an indiscreet liaison with the rakish Lord Bamfield within the stables—most unbecoming, considering the gentleman's notorious reputation. But I digress.

Ah, Carmella Camden—a truly unique soul. Eccentric yet wise in ways surpassing those of any other woman, perhaps even myself. Her affinity for books surpasses social pursuits, a peculiarity that sets her apart. A woman of undeniable beauty, had she been of an age when my sons sought brides, I would have deemed her a fitting choice. Fate, however, had different plans.

As the daughter of a Viscount, suitors initially flocked to Carmella. Yet, their attentions swiftly shifted towards other women, seemingly utilising her to gain proximity to their true desires. Despite a few promising suitors, fate intervened, leading to debts and dashed hopes for Carmella's dowry.

Enter John Lancaster, Baron Lancaster, who expressed singular interest in Carmella. As their courtship blossomed, so did Carmella's hopes for a joyous union. Alas, the wedding was abruptly called off, leaving all in suspense, ignorant of the true cause—a secret known solely to Lady Carmella.

In the aftermath, John embarked on a business-related journey, leaving Carmella to contend with the ensuing repercussions. Whispers and rumours, the scourge of nobility, tarnished her reputation, branding her as the culprit behind the canceled wedding. Despite the adversity, she faced the challenges with grace.

Now resigned to spinsterhood, Carmella watches as her peers and kin find love, all before the age of twenty-five. This, dear readers, encapsulates what I know of Miss Carmella. Yet, be assured there is more to her tale than that of a solitary spinster immersed in books. Patience, a virtue in life, shall unveil the deeper layers of this intricate narrative.

Yours Truly,
Lady Sinclair

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