Chapter Twenty-two

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Ella followed her mother into the seamstress's shop, her face flushed from the recent scolding

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Ella followed her mother into the seamstress's shop, her face flushed from the recent scolding. The vibrant displays of fabrics and dresses barely registered as she stared at the floor, trying to quell her embarrassment. Grace looked up from a row of gowns, her eyebrows raising in surprise at Ella's flushed appearance.

"What happened?" Grace asked, her voice laced with concern.

Their mother, the Viscountess, didn't wait for Ella to answer. "I found her at a bookstore when she should have been following us. Can you believe it? She was supposed to be helping us prepare for the event, not wandering off to indulge her whims."

Grace tried to defend Ella, sensing her sister's discomfort. "Mother, perhaps Ella just needed a moment to herself. She has been helping a lot lately, and she deserves a break."

The Viscountess was not appeased. "Helping? She was supposed to be dress shopping and assisting with the preparations for the event. Instead, she made a fool of herself in front of the Duke! Can you imagine the scandal?"

Ella couldn't hold her tongue any longer. "It was hardly me disrupting the peace in a bookshop," she retorted, her voice trembling with frustration. "I was minding my own business until you decided to make a scene."

Grace placed a gentle hand on Ella's arm, trying to calm her. "Mother, I'm sure the Duke understood. There's no need to be so harsh."

But the Viscountess was not easily swayed. "Ella, you must understand the importance of these events. We have guests coming to stay with us for a week during Christmas, including the Duke and his family. Your behavior must be impeccable."

Ella felt a pang of anxiety at the thought. "I understand, Mother."

Grace gave Ella a sympathetic look, but their mother remained resolute.
Ella was feeling a mix of frustration and resignation. She couldn't stop thinking about how embarrassing it was for the Duke to see her in such a light. He must definitely find her strange, if not before, then certainly now.

As the seamstress took out colorful fabrics for them to choose from, Ella was too embarrassed, replaying the event in her head, until she eventually heard Grace calling her, asking, "Ella, what color would you go for?"

Ella hesitated, unsure, but Grace, with a knowing smile, picked up a bolt of emerald fabric. "Emerald," she said decisively. "It suits you perfectly, Ella. It brings out your hazel eyes."

Their mother nodded in agreement. "Yes, it does. You look stunning in green."

Ella smiled faintly, appreciating their efforts to lift her spirits. "Emerald it is, then," she agreed.

Grace chose a baby blue fabric for herself, mentioning that it was her husband's favorite color. The seamstress noted their choices and assured them, "It will take a few weeks for these to be ready, as I have other orders to complete first."

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