Chapter Sixteen

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Ella stood in the library, surrounded by the comforting scent of old books and polished wood

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Ella stood in the library, surrounded by the comforting scent of old books and polished wood. The room was dimly lit, with beams of sunlight filtering through the high windows. She had always found solace among the bookshelves, losing herself in stories that transported her far from the expectations and judgments of society.

Today, she had decided to delve into a novel she had heard about but never had the chance to read. The book was on one of the top shelves, and the only way to reach it was by climbing the tall ladder that leaned against the bookcase. With a determined look, she ascended the rungs, her fingers grazing the spines of the books as she climbed higher.

"Where are you?" she murmured to herself, scanning the titles. Finally, she spotted the book she was after, nestled between two hefty volumes. She leaned to the left, stretching her arm as far as it would go to grasp the elusive novel. Just as her fingertips brushed the cover, the ladder wobbled precariously.

Ella's heart skipped a beat as she felt herself losing balance. She gasped, arms flailing in a desperate attempt to steady herself. But it was too late; she felt herself falling, the ground rushing up to meet her. She braced for impact, but instead of hitting the hard floor, she landed in a pair of strong, muscular arms. The scent of brandy filled her senses.

She opened her eyes, blinking in surprise to find herself gazing into the face of the Duke of Darlington. His blue eyes were filled with concern and a hint of amusement.

"Your Grace," she managed to say, quickly jumping out of his arms and patting down her dress to ensure it was appropriate. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"I was not expecting you to be here, especially in our home," she said, her voice faltering slightly as she tried to regain her composure.

The Duke chuckled softly. "That is a funny way of saying thank you to someone who just saved you."

Ella's cheeks brightened even more as she realized her oversight. "Thank you, Your Grace," she said immediately, feeling even more flustered.

"I was only jesting," the Duke replied, his tone light and teasing.

Ella was still confused as to why he was there. "Do not mean to sound rude, Your Grace, but why are you here?"

The Duke's expression turned more serious, though a hint of a smile remained. "Ah, my brother and I have come to visit your brother, but I spilled my drink on myself, as you can tell from the smell. I was hoping to find a washroom but somehow stumbled into the library."

Ella noticed the stain on his shirt and quickly offered, "Oh dear, that does look quite bad. Let me help you find the washroom, Your Grace."

As they walked through the corridors, the Duke kept up a light banter. "So, what engrossing tome had you so captivated that you nearly fell to your demise?"

Ella flushed slightly, avoiding his gaze. "Oh, just a novel."

The Duke raised an eyebrow, a teasing glint in his eye. "A novel, you say? Perhaps something romantic?"

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