Chapter Eleven

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Jeremy and Gabriel arrived in Derbyshire with a mixture of anticipation and relief

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Jeremy and Gabriel arrived in Derbyshire with a mixture of anticipation and relief. The long, winding roads and the lush greenery of the countryside were a welcome change from the hectic pace of London. Jeremy, having returned to England after years of traveling, felt a sense of homecoming as their carriage approached Thornfield Manor, the grand estate where their aunt, Lady Margaret, resided.

The carriage pulled up to the stately entrance, and Lady Margaret was there to greet them, her figure regal and welcoming. Despite the years and the loss of her husband, she remained a pillar of strength and grace, her eyes twinkling with the same sharp wit Jeremy remembered from his childhood.

"My dear nephews!" Lady Margaret exclaimed, her arms open wide as Jeremy and Gabriel stepped down from the carriage. "Welcome home!"

"Aunt Margaret," Jeremy said, bowing slightly before embracing her. "It's been far too long."

"Indeed, it has," Gabriel added, giving her a warm hug. "We've missed you."

"And I you," Lady Margaret replied, holding them at arm's length to study their faces. "You've both grown into such fine men. Come inside, let us not waste another moment out here."

They followed her into the grand foyer, the familiar scent of lavender and polished wood enveloping them. Thornfield Manor, with its richly decorated rooms and expansive gardens, was a sanctuary of elegance and warmth. Memories of past visits flooded Jeremy's mind, bringing a smile to his face.

In the sunlit drawing room, a table was set with an array of delicacies. They took their seats, and soon the room was filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation.

"So, tell me," Lady Margaret began, her eyes filled with curiosity, "what has brought you both to Derbyshire? It's not often I get such esteemed visitors."

Gabriel leaned back in his chair, a grin spreading across his face. "We needed a break from the demands of London, Aunt. And, of course, to see you."

Jeremy nodded. "Yes, and I am now back in England for good. It felt right to come and spend time with you."

Lady Margaret studied them both, a knowing look in her eyes. "And how have you been faring, truly? Jeremy, I hear you have had quite the adventures abroad."

Jeremy sighed, taking a sip of his tea. "The travels were enlightening, Aunt. But it is good to be home. There is something about England, about Thornfield, that one cannot find anywhere else."

Lady Margaret reached across the table, patting his hand gently. "Home is where the heart finds rest, dear boy. And you, Gabriel? How is London treating you?"

Gabriel shrugged, a playful glint in his eye. "London is London, Aunt. Full of intrigues and pressures. But it's good to escape to the countryside, even if just for a while."

They continued to talk, the conversation flowing easily as they caught up on each other's lives. Jeremy felt a sense of peace he had not experienced in some time, grateful for the respite and the company of his beloved aunt and brother.

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