Chapter Six

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Jeremy leaned back in his chair, watching Ella with a mixture of curiosity and admiration

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Jeremy leaned back in his chair, watching Ella with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. Her presence in his father's beloved library had been unexpected but not unwelcome. There was a quiet elegance about her, a grace that captivated him. Her beauty was not the ostentatious kind that drew immediate attention in a crowded ballroom, but rather a subtle charm that revealed itself in the way she moved, the way she spoke, and the thoughtful expression in her eyes.

He found himself wanting to know more about her, to uncover the layers that seemed to cloak her true self. "Miss Camden," he began, his voice gentle, "you mentioned earlier that you find solace in books. Have you read much of our collection here?"

Ella's gaze shifted from the fire to him, her eyes softening. "Not yet, Your Grace. But from what I have seen, your library is quite remarkable. It must be a treasure trove for someone who loves to read."

Jeremy smiled, pleased by her appreciation. "Indeed, it is. My father had a great love for literature and collected books from all over the world. I've spent many an hour lost in these volumes, especially after returning from my travels."

Her interest was piqued. "You've traveled extensively, then?"

"Yes," he replied, his eyes lighting up with the memories. "I have had the fortune to visit many places. Italy, France, and even the far reaches of the Ottoman Empire. Each place has its own charm, its own story to tell."

Ella leaned forward slightly, her curiosity evident. "That sounds wonderful, Your Grace. What was your favorite place?"

Jeremy paused, considering his answer. "I think Italy holds a special place in my heart. The art, the culture, the people—it's all so vibrant and full of life. Florence, in particular, is a city that stays with you."

Ella smiled, her eyes reflecting his enthusiasm. "I would like to visit Florence, but before that, Morocco. I would love to visit the first university in the world, especially since the founder was a woman, Fatima Al-Fihri."

Jeremy's smile widened, clearly impressed. "Indeed, the University of Al Quaraouiyine. Your interest in such a place speaks volumes about your character, Miss Camden. It is a remarkable history."

"It is," Ella agreed, feeling a connection in their shared appreciation for history and culture. "It must be wonderful to travel and see such places, to experience different worlds."

"It is," Jeremy said softly. "And perhaps one day, you will have the opportunity to see these places for yourself."

A shadow passed over Ella's face, and she looked away, her expression becoming guarded. "Perhaps," she said softly. Then, as if realizing the intimacy of their conversation, she straightened and smoothed her gown. "I fear I have taken up too much of your time, Your Grace. It would not do for us to be seen here together, unchaperoned."

Jeremy sensed a shift in her demeanor, a withdrawal that he did not want to see. "Please, do not worry about that, Miss Camden. You are welcome here."

Ella stood, her movements graceful yet hurried. "I appreciate your kindness, Your Grace, more than you know. But I must be mindful of propriety. I would not want to cause any scandal, especially not for you."

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