Chapter Twenty-one

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Jeremy sat in his study, the soft light of the afternoon sun filtering through the tall windows and casting a warm glow over the room

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Jeremy sat in his study, the soft light of the afternoon sun filtering through the tall windows and casting a warm glow over the room. The clutter of business papers spread out before him demanded his attention, but his mind was elsewhere. He couldn't focus, not with thoughts of Miss Carmella Camden intruding at every turn.

Gabriel had been pestering him all morning, trying to coax him out of the house. "You need to unwind, Jeremy," Gabriel had insisted over breakfast. "You've been cooped up in here for days. Come out, have a drink, enjoy some company at the gentlemen's club."

But Jeremy had refused. "I have too much to attend to," he'd said, though he knew his brother saw through his excuses.

Gabriel had given him a long, searching look. "I'm surprised you haven't found yourself a lady to take care of your... needs," he'd remarked, eyebrow raised.

Jeremy had stiffened at the suggestion. "I have other matters that require my attention, Gabriel," he'd replied, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Now, alone in his study, Jeremy leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling. The truth was, he couldn't imagine lying with a woman—not just any woman. His thoughts were consumed by one particular lady, who had unwittingly ensnared his heart and mind:

Miss Carmella Camden.

The memory of their last encounter played over in his mind like a favorite melody. Her eyes had sparkled with determination, her competitive spirit had shone through, and a faint blush had colored her cheeks when she'd caught him looking at her. It was all so vivid, so intoxicating.

He could picture her now, the curve of her lips, the warmth of her laughter. She wasn't just any woman he could bed and move on from. She was different, special. There was a depth to her that he found endlessly fascinating, a strength and vulnerability that drew him in.

Jeremy ran a hand through his hair, frustration gnawing at him. How had he allowed himself to become so entangled? He was a Duke, with responsibilities and a reputation to uphold. Yet, every time he tried to focus on his work, his thoughts inevitably drifted back to her.

He remembered the way their thighs had brushed against each other at the Derby, the electric thrill that had coursed through him. It was maddening, how a simple touch could unravel his composure so completely. He wanted her, not just in the fleeting way of a lover, but in a deeper, more profound sense. He desired her company, her presence, her heart.

Jeremy exhaled slowly, trying to clear his mind. He had never felt these unknown feelings before, not even towards... her. The woman who had once consumed his thoughts and heart, who had left him with scars he thought would never heal. But this was different. Ella was different.

A knock on the door interrupted his reverie. Gabriel entered, a knowing look in his eyes. "Still brooding, I see," he remarked, leaning against the doorframe.

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