Chapter Four

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Jeremy was adjusting his suit in the opulent dressing room, his fingers deftly arranging the folds of his intricately tied cravat

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Jeremy was adjusting his suit in the opulent dressing room, his fingers deftly arranging the folds of his intricately tied cravat. The door swung open, and Gabriel entered without ceremony.

"Is knocking not common knowledge to you?" Jeremy inquired, his voice tinged with annoyance.

"Only when it comes to you, Jeremy," Gabriel replied, a wide grin spreading across his face as he leaned nonchalantly against the door frame.

"Quite a lot of people here tonight in honour of the dear duke," Gabriel continued, his tone casual as he surveyed the room.

Jeremy sighed miserably. "Hopefully, many people will leave early tonight. I want this over and done with." The thought of his mother's incessant matchmaking efforts threatened to ruin the evening for him. He had no aversion to gatherings per se, but the notion of potential betrothals weighed heavily on his mind.

"How welcoming," Gabriel remarked sarcastically, raising an eyebrow.

"Mother is waiting for you. She seems to be growing more annoyed by the minute," Gabriel added, his tone now more serious.

"Well, let us head off then," Jeremy said, passing Gabriel and striding through the doorway. As they descended the grand staircase, the imposing figure of their mother came into view.

"About time! We mustn't be late for your own welcome ball," Lady Morvall complained, her voice sharp with irritation.

"No, we mustn't," Jeremy agreed, offering his elbow to his mother. Lady Morvall took his arm, and together they strode towards the ballroom entrance.

"I know it has been a while since you have been here, but please do not do anything ridiculous," Lady Morvall said as they stood before the grand doors, waiting for their names to be announced.

"You still doubt my behaviour?" Jeremy asked teasingly, glancing at his mother.

"Well, should I?" Lady Morvall turned to her son, her expression serious.

"No, you shouldn't," Jeremy replied softly, placing his hand over his mother's, providing her with comfort and reassurance. The grand entrance began to open, and they took their first step into the ballroom as their arrival was announced.

"Duke of Darlington and Lady Morvall," the herald's voice echoed through the halls of the estate.

As Jeremy made his entrance, every eye in the room turned to him, captivated by his commanding presence. His coat, tailored to perfection in a deep navy adorned with intricate gold embroidery, emphasized his noble stature. He descended the marble staircase with an air of effortless grace.

The ladies, their hairstyles elaborate with feathers and jewels, watched in awe, their eyes sparkling with admiration. The gentlemen, resplendent in their frock coats and waistcoats, nodded in silent acknowledgment of his status.

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