Chapter Fourteen

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"Why must I go?!" Ella exclaimed, her voice echoing through the spacious drawing room

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"Why must I go?!" Ella exclaimed, her voice echoing through the spacious drawing room. She paced back and forth, her agitation evident in every stride. "I see no reason to subject myself to yet another tedious social gathering."

Adrian, seated comfortably in an armchair with an air of practiced patience, sighed deeply. "Ella, you must understand. We are guests here, and it is only polite to accept Lady Harrington's invitation. She is a significant figure in the local society, and our attendance is expected."

Ella stopped her pacing and turned to face her brother, her eyes flashing with determination. "Expected by whom? I am perfectly content to remain here and tend to my own affairs. Besides, what good will it do to parade me around like some sort of spectacle? I am a spinster, Adrian. That is not going to change."

Adrian rose from his chair, crossing the room to stand before her. "Ella, you are not a spectacle. You are my sister, and I care about your well-being. I know the past few years have been difficult for you, but isolating yourself is not the answer. These events, as tiresome as they may seem, offer an opportunity to connect with others, to make new acquaintances."

Ella folded her arms, her stance defiant. "New acquaintances? What could I possibly gain from that? More whispers behind my back? More pitying looks? No, thank you."

Adrian placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I understand your apprehensions, truly I do. But not everyone is like that. You may find genuine companionship, even friendship. You deserve to be happy, Ella, and shutting yourself away will not bring you that happiness."

She softened slightly at her brother's earnest words, but the knot of anxiety in her chest remained. "I just... I don't want to go through it all again, Adrian. The expectations, the judgments. I've had enough."

Adrian's expression was one of gentle resolve. "You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. Just come with me, stay for a little while, and if you find it unbearable, we can leave. But give it a chance, Ella. For me?"

Ella looked into her brother's eyes, seeing the genuine concern and care there. She knew he only wanted the best for her, even if it meant pushing her out of her comfort zone. With a resigned sigh, she finally nodded. "Alright, Adrian. I will go. But only for a short while. And if it becomes too much, we leave immediately."

Adrian smiled, relief washing over his features. "Thank you, Ella. You won't regret it, I promise."

The next day dawned bright and clear, with the promise of a beautiful afternoon for Lady Harrington's garden party. Despite her reluctance, Ella prepared herself with care, choosing a modest yet elegant gown of soft blue that complemented her complexion. As she adjusted her bonnet, she couldn't help but feel a pang of nervousness.

"What am I doing?" she muttered to herself, her reflection in the mirror looking equally unsure. But she had given her word to Adrian, and she intended to keep it.

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