Chapter Eighteen

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Jeremy returned home from the Derby event with a sense of elation and a spring in his step

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Jeremy returned home from the Derby event with a sense of elation and a spring in his step. The day's excitement and the unexpected thrill of being close to Ella had left him in high spirits. As he entered the manor, Gabriel was there to greet him, a curious expression on his face.

"Ah, there you are," Gabriel said, falling into step beside Jeremy as they walked down the hallway. "I heard the event was quite the spectacle. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it due to some pressing matters that needed attending here."

Jeremy nodded, barely able to suppress a smirk as the memory of Ella's fierce competitiveness and the exhilaration of the race came flooding back. "Yes, it was quite the event. I did make a few bids, and I'd say I did quite well."

Gabriel raised an eyebrow, noting the mischievous glint in Jeremy's eyes. "You seem unusually pleased with yourself. Did something or perhaps someone, in particular, make your day more enjoyable?"

Jeremy's smirk widened, but he kept his thoughts to himself. The image of Ella passionately defending her choice of horse flashed through his mind, along with the exhilarating proximity of her presence. "Let's just say the competition was rather engaging."

As they reached the door to Jeremy's bedroom, Gabriel continued to prod. "Engaging, you say? Do tell, what exactly made it so engaging?"

Jeremy paused at the doorway, turning to face his brother with an amused expression. "Oh, just the usual—spirited debates, thrilling races, and perhaps the company of certain individuals."

Before Gabriel could probe further, Jeremy stepped into his room and, in a comically abrupt fashion, shut the door in Gabriel's face. He could hear his brother's muffled laughter from the other side.

"Fine, keep your secrets!" Gabriel called out, his voice fading as he walked away.

Inside his room, Jeremy leaned against the door for a moment, a satisfied grin on his face. He pushed himself off and fell onto the bed, letting out a contented sigh. Staring up at the ceiling, the day's events played over in his mind.

The most vivid memory was the sensation of their thighs touching, even through the layers of fabric. The contact had been fleeting, yet it had sent an unexpected jolt through him. He flushed at the thought, realizing just how affected he was by such a simple touch.

The way Ella had passionately argued her point, the fire in her eyes, and the way she had celebrated Morning Glory's victory—all of it replayed in his mind like a cherished memory. He could still see the way her cheeks had flushed with excitement, and hear the sound of her laughter.

"Good Lord," he murmured to himself, a smile tugging at his lips. "What is happening to me?"

For a moment, he allowed himself to revel in the feelings that were so foreign and yet so intoxicating. He had always found Ella intriguing, but today had brought a new level of awareness. There was a connection there, something he couldn't quite define but couldn't ignore either.

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