Chapter Eight

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As the final guest departed and the grand doors of the ballroom closed with a decisive thud, Jeremy felt an overwhelming sense of relief

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As the final guest departed and the grand doors of the ballroom closed with a decisive thud, Jeremy felt an overwhelming sense of relief. The evening had been a taxing exercise in patience and diplomacy. He made his way to his office, a haven of tranquility amid the social whirlwind, and poured himself a generous measure of brandy. The rich amber liquid gleamed in the dim light, promising solace.

Settling into his leather armchair, Jeremy took a slow sip, savoring the warmth that spread through him. The night had been long, and he needed this moment of solitude to gather his thoughts. However, his reprieve was short-lived as the door creaked open and Gabriel sauntered in, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Already retreating to your lair, brother? You looked positively beleaguered out there," Gabriel teased, flopping into the chair opposite Jeremy.

Jeremy sighed, setting his glass down. "It's over now, thank heavens. I couldn't endure another minute of fawning mothers and their hopeful daughters."

Gabriel chuckled, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "You managed admirably, considering. Although, I must say, the Barretts' presence was an unwelcome surprise."

Jeremy's expression darkened at the mention of Earl Barrett and his daughter, Fiona. "Yes, quite the pair. Fiona's reputation is well known. I was relieved when they finally left."

Gabriel leaned forward, his tone turning serious. "I had a word with them in a private corner before they departed. Made it clear that if they didn't leave, I'd ensure everyone knew about the Earl's substantial debts. That seemed to do the trick."

Jeremy nodded appreciatively. "Good. The last thing we need is more scandal attached to the family."

For a moment, silence settled between them, the only sound the crackling of the fire. Jeremy's thoughts wandered back to the intriguing young woman he had encountered earlier. Unable to suppress his curiosity, he broke the silence. "Gabriel, what do you know about Adrian Camden's sister?"

Gabriel looked puzzled. "Grace? The Marchioness? What about her?"

Jeremy shook his head. "No, not Grace. The other sister—Carmella Camden."

Recognition dawned on Gabriel's face, quickly followed by a look of pity. "Ah, Carmella. Poor girl has had a rough go of it. She's older than Grace, and still unmarried. Quite unfortunate in her seasons. Men seem to avoid her."

Jeremy felt a pang of sympathy mixed with intrigue. "Why is that? She seems perfectly lovely."

Gabriel sighed, leaning back in his chair. "It all goes back to her broken engagement. She was betrothed to John Lancaster. Everything seemed set for a grand wedding, but then, a week before the ceremony, Lancaster abruptly called it off and fled, claiming business matters. The scandal was immense. Society blamed Miss Camden, of course, as it always does with women. Her reputation never recovered."

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