Chapter Seven

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Ella closed the library door softly behind her, pausing for a moment in the hallway to collect her thoughts

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Ella closed the library door softly behind her, pausing for a moment in the hallway to collect her thoughts. Her heart still raced from the unexpected encounter with the Duke of Darlington. The warmth of his gaze and the genuine interest he had shown in her words had stirred something within her that she hadn't felt in a long time.

Taking a deep breath, she composed herself, smoothing her gown and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. The hum of the ballroom beckoned, and she knew she had to return to the throng of guests, lest her absence be noticed and questions raised. As much as she longed to stay in the quiet solace of the library, she couldn't risk drawing any more attention to herself.

Entering the ballroom, Ella's eyes scanned the room for familiar faces. The vibrant swirl of colors, the laughter, and the music felt overwhelming after the tranquil refuge she had just experienced. She spotted her sister Grace, the Marchioness of Huntley, engaged in animated conversation with a group of ladies near the dance floor. Grace's beauty and charm always drew people to her like moths to a flame.

But tonight, Ella needed the comforting presence of a friend rather than the dazzling company of her sister. Her gaze shifted until she found Rosie, her dear friend, standing near the refreshment table, seemingly engrossed in a conversation with a gentleman. Mustering her courage, Ella made her way through the crowd towards her friend.

"Rosie," Ella called softly as she approached, relief flooding her voice.

Rosie turned, her face lighting up with a warm smile. "Ella! There you are. I was beginning to wonder where you'd disappeared to."

Ella returned the smile, grateful for the familiar comfort of Rosie's presence. "I just needed a moment of quiet."

Rosie's eyes sparkled with understanding. "A moment of quiet amidst this chaos is certainly precious. I can't say I blame you."

The gentleman excused himself politely, leaving the two friends to their conversation. Rosie turned her full attention to Ella, her expression becoming more concerned. "Are you alright, Ella? You seem a bit... unsettled."

Ella hesitated, the memory of her encounter with the Duke still vivid in her mind. "I'm fine, Rosie. Just a bit overwhelmed, I suppose."

Rosie studied her for a moment, then nodded, accepting her explanation. "I understand. These gatherings can be quite exhausting. But I must say, you look lovely tonight. I'm sure you've caught the eye of more than one gentleman."

Ella laughed softly, though the sound lacked true mirth. "If that were the case, they've kept their admiration well hidden."

Rosie's smile faded slightly, and she took Ella's hand in a comforting gesture. "Don't be so hard on yourself, Ella. You have a quiet beauty that shines in a way few can appreciate. The right person will see it."

Ella's heart warmed at her friend's words, but a pang of doubt lingered. She glanced around the room, seeing Grace laughing gracefully among her admirers. It was hard not to feel overshadowed by her younger sister's radiant charm.

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