Chapter Ten

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Ella awoke to the soft chirping of birds and the gentle rustle of leaves outside her window

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Ella awoke to the soft chirping of birds and the gentle rustle of leaves outside her window. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the rolling hills of Derbyshire. She stretched leisurely, savoring the tranquility of the countryside. It was a stark contrast to the noise and bustle of London, and she felt a sense of peace she hadn't known in years.

After a light breakfast, Ella decided to take a walk around the estate. She donned a simple yet elegant morning gown and a bonnet, then set out towards the gardens. The air was crisp and fresh, filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the earthiness of the fields. She wandered through the meticulously maintained pathways, admiring the vibrant colors and the meticulous design.

As she strolled, she was approached by one of the maids.

"Miss Camden, there are visitors from the neighboring estate here to see you," the maid informed her.

Ella's curiosity was piqued. She hadn't expected visitors so soon after arriving. She made her way back to the house, where she found Adrian talking with two ladies in the drawing room. One was an older woman, elegantly dressed and exuding an air of haughty superiority. The other was a young woman, perhaps a year or two younger than Ella, with an equally refined yet sharply assessing look.

"Ella, allow me to introduce Lady Harrington and her daughter, Miss Penelope Harrington," Adrian said, nodding towards the women.

"It is a pleasure to meet you both," Ella said with a polite smile.

"The pleasure is ours," Lady Harrington said, though her tone suggested otherwise. "We thought it neighborly to welcome you to the area."

"Indeed," Penelope added, her eyes flicking over Ella's attire with thinly veiled disdain. "It's always interesting to see new faces in the countryside."

Ella's smile faltered slightly at Penelope's tone but she maintained her composure. "Thank you for coming. It's lovely to meet our neighbors."

"Tell me, Miss Camden, how are you finding Derbyshire compared to London?" Lady Harrington asked.

"It's quite beautiful and serene. A refreshing change, really," Ella replied.

Penelope's lips curled into a faint, almost condescending smile. "I imagine it must be quite a shock for you. The pace of life here is so different. Slower, some might say. I do hope you won't find it too dull."

Ella met Penelope's gaze evenly. "On the contrary, I find the tranquility quite appealing."

Lady Harrington leaned forward slightly. "And what brings you to Derbyshire, Miss Camden?"

Ella hesitated, not wanting to reveal too much. "I needed a change of scenery, and my brother's business brought us here. It seemed like the perfect opportunity."

Penelope's eyes narrowed slightly, as if searching for any hint of scandal or weakness. "I see. It must be difficult, adjusting to a new place at this stage in life."

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