Chapter Five

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Ella stood in the corner of the grand ballroom, her fingers nervously playing with the lace of her gown

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Ella stood in the corner of the grand ballroom, her fingers nervously playing with the lace of her gown. She was surrounded by her friends—Nancy, Charlotte, Frances, Ann, and Rosie—who were animatedly discussing the latest on-dits and their plans for the evening. Despite the lively conversation, Ella found it hard to concentrate. The sheer number of people in the room, the cacophony of voices, and the overpowering scent of perfumes and candles heightened her anxiety.

Nancy, noticing Ella's distraction, gently touched her arm. "Ella, are you quite alright?"

Ella forced a smile. "Yes, I am just a bit overwhelmed, I suppose."

Before Nancy could respond, the group was interrupted by the appearance of Ella's younger sister, Grace, the Marchioness of Huntley, and her husband. Grace, resplendent in an emerald green gown that complemented her auburn hair, moved through the crowd with ease, her arm linked with that of the Marquess.

"Ella!" Grace exclaimed warmly as she reached her sister. "I've been looking for you."

Ella forced a smile, trying to mask her anxiety. "Grace, it's good to see you."

Grace's husband, the Marquess, bowed politely. "Good evening, Ella. It's been too long."

"Yes, indeed," Ella replied, her voice tinged with a faint sadness.

Grace, sensing her sister's unease, gently took her hand. "Would you care to take a turn about the room with me? I've missed our chats."

Ella nodded, grateful for the distraction. They began to stroll through the ballroom, the Marquess giving them a courteous nod before heading off to speak with acquaintances.

As they walked, Grace glanced at her sister, her eyes filled with concern. "Ella, are you alright? You seemed a bit lost in thought."

Ella sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly. "I'm fine, Grace. Just... overwhelmed by it all, I suppose."

Grace squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I understand. These events can be rather daunting, especially with so many people and expectations."

Ella nodded, her gaze distant. "It's just that... sometimes it feels as though everyone is watching, judging. It's hard to find a moment of peace."

Grace stopped walking and turned to face her sister, her expression earnest. "Ella, you don't have to do this alone. You have people who care about you, who understand."

Ella looked into her sister's eyes, finding solace in her words. "Thank you, Grace. It means a lot to hear that."

Grace smiled, her eyes twinkling with affection. "You're my sister, Ella. I'll always be here for you. And you know, you don't have to conform to anyone's expectations. You can find happiness in your own way."

Ella's eyes softened as she listened to her sister's words. "I know, but it's hard not to feel the pressure. Especially when I see you and others so happy and settled."

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