Chapter Nine

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Ella sat quietly in the drawing room, her embroidery resting on her lap as she listened to the conversation between her parents and her brother Adrian

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Ella sat quietly in the drawing room, her embroidery resting on her lap as she listened to the conversation between her parents and her brother Adrian. The late afternoon sunlight filtered through the lace curtains, casting delicate patterns on the polished wooden floor. Her father, the Viscount Camden, was discussing Adrian's upcoming trip to Derbyshire for a professional reason. The mention of the Peak District piqued Ella's interest, though she kept her gaze focused on her needlework.

"It will be a splendid opportunity for you, Adrian," the Viscount said, his tone both encouraging and authoritative. "A chance to oversee the new developments on the estate and to finalize the acquisition of the neighboring land."

Adrian nodded, looking both eager and a bit apprehensive. "Yes, Father. I've heard the estate is undergoing significant improvements. The acquisition of the neighboring land will expand our holdings and improve our influence in the region."

Lady Camden, their mother, turned her thoughtful gaze towards Ella. "Ella, dear, what do you think of accompanying your brother on his trip?"

Ella's needle paused mid-stitch, her heart skipping a beat. "Me? To Derbyshire?"

"Yes, my dear," her mother continued, her voice gentle but insistent. "A change of scenery would do you good. You've been cooped up in London for far too long."

Ella's first instinct was to refuse. The thought of leaving the familiar confines of their London home filled her with anxiety. She had grown accustomed to the routine, the predictability of her days, even if they were often lonely. The idea of venturing into the countryside, away from the watchful eyes and whispered gossip of London society, was both daunting and strangely appealing.

"I don't know, Mother," Ella said hesitantly. "I'm not sure it's a good idea."

"Nonsense," the Viscount interjected. "It will be an excellent idea. You'll enjoy the fresh air and the beauty of the countryside. And it will give you a chance to spend some time with Adrian."

Adrian turned to her, a hopeful look in his eyes. "I'd like it if you came, Ella. It would be nice to have some company. Besides, there's a lot to learn about estate management and negotiations. You might find it interesting."

Ella glanced around the room, the familiar surroundings suddenly feeling stifling. The endless cycle of social events and the constant pressure of society's expectations weighed heavily on her. Perhaps a change of scenery was exactly what she needed.

"I suppose it could be nice to see the Peak District," she said slowly. "And a break from London might be... refreshing."

Lady Camden smiled warmly. "That's the spirit, dear. A little adventure will do you good."

Ella took a deep breath, trying to quell the fluttering of nerves in her stomach. "Very well. I'll go to Derbyshire with Adrian."

"Excellent," the Viscount said, nodding approvingly. "You'll leave in a few days. The trip will be beneficial for both of you."

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