Chapter Twenty-six

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As the rain had settled and Lady Morvall, Jeremy's mother, arrived at the Camden estate, Ella was waiting at the grand entrance to greet her

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As the rain had settled and Lady Morvall, Jeremy's mother, arrived at the Camden estate, Ella was waiting at the grand entrance to greet her. Lady Morvall apologized graciously for not arriving earlier, explaining that the weather had delayed her journey. Ella smiled warmly, assuring her it was not a problem.

"No need to worry, Lady Morvall," Ella said. "His grace has mentioned your delay. Please, let me show you to your guest room."

Lady Morvall thanked her but expressed a desire to join the ongoing event immediately, feeling she had already missed too much. Ella chuckled softly at her eagerness. "Of course, Lady Morvall. Right this way."

Just as Ella and Lady Morvall were about to head towards the festivities, Ella's mother approached them, her face bright with enthusiasm. She greeted Lady Morvall warmly, initiating a conversation that gave Ella an opportunity to discreetly excuse herself.

"I'll leave you two to catch up," Ella said with a small smile. "Please, enjoy the event. I'll be around if you need anything, Lady Morvall."

Lady Morvall and Ella's mother engaged in conversation, discussing the intricacies of the event and mutual acquaintances. Ella took her chance to slip away, heading towards the library. She needed a moment of peace away from the loud chatter and crowded rooms.

The library was a sanctuary of calmness, filled with the scent of old books and polished wood. Ella wandered among the shelves, running her fingers lightly over the spines of familiar and unfamiliar titles. She found a cozy corner with a plush armchair by the fireplace and settled in, letting out a sigh of relief.

Alone in the library, Ella allowed herself a moment of quiet reflection. She thought about Jeremy's mother, Lady Morvall, and how poised and elegant she had seemed. Ella wondered what it must be like to have a son who was a duke, to move in circles where elegance and decorum were second nature.

Lost in her thoughts, Ella didn't notice the footsteps approaching until she heard a familiar voice behind her.

Ella's heart skipped a beat as she heard Jeremy's voice behind her. She turned, surprised to see him standing there in the library doorway. His presence felt like a sudden shift in the atmosphere, drawing her attention away from the solitude she had sought.

"Jeremy," she greeted him softly, a hint of surprise still lingering in her voice. "I didn't expect to see you here."

He stepped further into the room, his gaze meeting hers with a quiet intensity. "I needed a bit of space from the event," he admitted, his voice low and sincere.

Ella nodded in understanding, gesturing to the armchair opposite hers. "Please, join me," she offered, a small smile playing on her lips.

Jeremy crossed the room and settled into the chair, his posture relaxed yet attentive. He glanced around the library, appreciating the tranquility it offered away from the bustling event outside. "This place feels like a haven," he remarked, his eyes briefly meeting Ella's before flickering towards the crackling fire.

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