Chapter Twenty-five

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As Ella settled into her room after the evening's event, she changed into her comfortable nightwear, feeling a mix of contentment and confusion swirling within her

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As Ella settled into her room after the evening's event, she changed into her comfortable nightwear, feeling a mix of contentment and confusion swirling within her. The dance with Jeremy, the Duke of Darlington, replayed in her mind, each step and glance etched vividly. She was lost in these thoughts when a soft knock on her door interrupted her reverie.

"Come in," Ella called out, straightening up as her sister Grace and Rosie entered the room, their faces alight with curiosity and excitement.

"Ella, you simply must tell us about your dance with the Duke!" Grace exclaimed, taking a seat on the edge of Ella's bed. Rosie, equally eager, settled into a nearby chair, her eyes bright with anticipation.

Ella hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "Oh, it was nothing remarkable," she began, trying to downplay the significance of the dance. "The Duke asked me to dance, and I didn't wish to refuse in front of Rosie and Lord Pembroke."

Grace and Rosie exchanged knowing looks. "But did you enjoy it?" Rosie pressed gently, her tone filled with genuine curiosity.

Ella's cheeks flushed slightly. "Well, yes," she admitted quietly, a small smile tugging at her lips. "He... made it quite enjoyable. It felt as if it was just the two of us."

Grace clasped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "See, I knew there was something there!" she exclaimed, leaning forward. "You've hardly shown any interest in dancing or socializing lately, Ella. This must mean something."

Ella shook her head, feeling a surge of unease. "No, Grace, you mustn't read too much into it," she insisted, her voice earnest. "It was just a dance, that's all."

Rosie, ever perceptive, studied Ella intently. "But you danced with him," she observed softly. "And from what I saw, both of you looked quite taken with each other."

Ella bit her lip, torn between wanting to share her feelings and fearing the consequences of admitting them. "Perhaps," she murmured evasively, unwilling to encourage any false hopes.

Grace and Rosie exchanged another glance, silently acknowledging Ella's reluctance. Grace changed the subject, eager to share her own night's experiences. "Well, Rosie was quite the charmer with Earl Floyd," she said with a teasing smile, nudging Rosie playfully.

Rosie blushed but grinned back. "Oh, it was nothing," she replied modestly, though her eyes sparkled with happiness.

As the conversation drifted to lighter topics, Ella listened attentively, grateful for the distraction. Yet, beneath her calm exterior, her thoughts continued to whirl with memories of the dance and the unexpected emotions it had stirred within her. She knew that the coming days of the event would bring more encounters with Jeremy, and she couldn't help but wonder where their newfound connection might lead.

The following morning, sunlight streamed through the windows of Camden Estate, casting a warm glow over the large dining room where everyone who had stayed the night gathered for breakfast. The long, polished table was adorned with elegant silverware and fresh flowers, and the air was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods.

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