Chapter Twenty-three

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Christmas was fast approaching, and with it, the much-anticipated event her mother had meticulously planned

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Christmas was fast approaching, and with it, the much-anticipated event her mother had meticulously planned. Ella watched through the window as the rain poured relentlessly, the gloomy weather matching her mood. She sighed, turning away from the dreary scene to join her father and Adrian, who were waiting in the drawing room for the guests to arrive.

"It's so miserable out there," Ella complained, hugging herself for warmth. "And just days before Christmas."

Her father, Viscount Camden, looked up from his book and gave her a sympathetic smile. "The weather will clear up soon enough, Ella. It's just a bit of rain."

Adrian nodded in agreement, but Ella could see the worry in his eyes as well. The rain had already deterred many guests, and her mother, the Viscountess, was beside herself with frustration.

Just then, the drawing room doors opened, and her mother entered, looking flustered and worried. "This rain is ruining everything," she fretted, her voice tinged with desperation. "So few guests have arrived. What if no one else comes?"

Ella's father stood up and went to her, rubbing her arms affectionately. "It's only the first day, my dear. The rain will pass, and we have a whole week ahead of us. Give it time."

The Viscountess took a deep breath, her husband's calm demeanor starting to soothe her nerves. "I know, but it's just... after all this planning, I wanted everything to be perfect."

"So far, Grace and Thomas have arrived," Ella added, trying to inject some positivity. "And Rosie Buxton and her parents, along with a few of Adrian's friends and your friends, Father. That's a start."

Her mother nodded, still looking out the window anxiously. "I just hope the rest make it through this weather. I wanted this to be a memorable event for all the right reasons, not because it was washed out by rain."

Ella's father chuckled softly. "Remember, dear, it's not the weather that makes an event memorable but the people and the experiences we share. The rain will just be a part of the story."

The Viscountess smiled slightly, her tension easing just a bit. "You're right. We'll make the best of it. But still, I'll feel much better when I see more guests arriving."

Ella exchanged a glance with Adrian, who shrugged subtly. She knew her mother's anxiety wasn't just about the rain but also about the success of the event and the potential suitors she had secretly lined up for Ella. Despite her mother's good intentions, Ella felt a mix of resentment and pressure building within her.

Just then, the butler entered the room. "My Lord, My Lady, more guests have arrived," he announced.

Her mother's face lit up with hope. "Who is it?"

"The Duke of Darlington and his brother, Lord Morvall," the butler replied.

Ella's heart skipped a beat. Of all the guests, she had hoped the Duke might not make it due to the rain. Now, the thought of facing him again after the bookshop incident made her stomach churn with anxiety.

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