Chapter Twelve

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Ella and Clara walked away from their encounter with the Duke of Darlington, Clara's young son Henry trailing ahead of them with an abundance of energy

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Ella and Clara walked away from their encounter with the Duke of Darlington, Clara's young son Henry trailing ahead of them with an abundance of energy. The encounter had left Ella feeling slightly unsettled, her mind swirling with the unexpectedness of meeting the Duke again.

"Well, that was quite the happenstance," Clara remarked with a sly smile as they continued their stroll. "Do tell, Ella, how is it you are acquainted with the Duke of Darlington?"

Ella, already feeling the warmth of a blush rising to her cheeks, attempted to maintain a nonchalant demeanor. "We have only met once, Clara, at his welcoming ball some weeks ago," she replied, hoping to leave it at that.

Clara raised an eyebrow, her curiosity clearly piqued. "Only once? It did not appear so, judging by the way you both looked at each other. There must be more to this story."

"There is not much more to tell," Ella insisted, her voice steady. "I merely found myself in his library that evening. It was purely coincidental."

Clara's teasing tone did not abate. "Coincidental or not, it is clear there is something between you. Do not be so modest, Ella. It is perfectly acceptable to have feelings for a man such as the Duke."

Ella's thoughts flitted back to the night of the ball, to the quiet moments in the library with the Duke. His presence had been a breath of fresh air, an unexpected comfort amidst the chaos of the social gathering. Yet, she could not let herself dwell on it. "Clara, it is not as you imagine. I am a spinster, and I have had enough of courting and the false hopes it brings."

"Nonsense," Clara replied with a wave of her hand. "You are far too young and too lovely to resign yourself to spinsterhood. The Duke is clearly taken with you, and you should not shut yourself off from the possibility of happiness."

Before Ella could respond, Henry, who had been running ahead, came back to them, tugging at Clara's skirts. "Mama, I am tired. Can we go home now?"

Clara's face softened as she looked down at her son. "Of course, my darling. I am feeling a bit weary myself." She turned back to Ella, her expression more serious. "Promise me you will at least consider what I have said, Ella. Life is too short to close oneself off from potential joy."

Ella nodded, though she was not entirely convinced. "I will think on it, Clara," she said, giving her friend a reassuring smile. But in her heart, she remained uncertain. The past had left its scars, and the thought of opening herself up to vulnerability once more was daunting.

As they made their way back to Clara's estate, Ella's mind continued to drift back to the Duke. There was something about him that stirred unfamiliar feelings within her, feelings she was not yet ready to face. For now, she would focus on the present, on being there for her friend and her family. The future, with all its uncertainties, could wait.

Later that evening, Ella sat in the cozy confines of the library, surrounded by shelves filled with books that seemed to whisper tales of far-off lands and grand adventures. She found solace in this room, a refuge from the pressures of society and the weight of her own thoughts.

As she leafed through the pages of a book about Florence, Italy, her mind wandered back to the events of the day. The unexpected encounter with the Duke of Darlington and his brother had left her feeling unsettled, their presence stirring emotions she had long thought dormant.

Adrian's voice interrupted her reverie, pulling her back to the present. She looked up to see her brother standing in the doorway, his expression curious.

"Are you quite all right, Ella?" Adrian inquired, stepping further into the room. "You seem rather preoccupied."

Ella offered him a reassuring smile. "I'm perfectly fine, Adrian. Just lost in thought."

Adrian raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "You didn't seem yourself after the park today. Was something amiss?"

Ella hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "It was nothing, really. Just a chance encounter with the Duke of Darlington and his brother, Lord Morvall."

Adrian's interest was piqued. "The Duke of Darlington, you say? How intriguing. What were they doing at the park?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Ella admitted. "But they seemed to be meeting someone. Perhaps their aunt, Lady Margaret, as you mentioned before."

Adrian nodded thoughtfully. "Lady Margaret? Yes, that would make sense. She's known to reside in these parts."

Ella shifted uncomfortably in her seat, suddenly feeling exposed under her brother's scrutinizing gaze. She had no desire to discuss her encounter with the Duke any further, especially not with Adrian.

"Well, regardless, it was a pleasant afternoon," she said, hoping to change the subject. "Henry was in high spirits, as always."

Adrian smiled, seemingly satisfied with her response. "Yes, Mrs. Thompson's son is quite the handful. I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves."

With that, Adrian bid her goodnight and left the library, leaving Ella alone once more with her thoughts. She returned her attention to the book in her hands, but her mind was elsewhere.

As she read about the wonders of Florence, Ella couldn't help but feel a pang of longing. The idea of traveling to such a beautiful and historic city filled her with a sense of excitement, but it also stirred up feelings of apprehension. She had spent so long cloistered away in the safety of her home, shielding herself from the prying eyes and wagging tongues of society. The thought of venturing out into the world, even if only in her imagination, was both exhilarating and terrifying.

But as she lost herself in the pages of the book, the fear began to fade away, replaced by a sense of wonder and possibility. She imagined herself strolling through the narrow streets of Florence, marveling at the ancient architecture and soaking in the vibrant atmosphere of the city. She pictured herself standing before the majestic Duomo, the sun casting golden rays upon its towering spires. And in every scene, she felt a sense of liberation, a freedom she had longed for but never dared to pursue.

As she turned the pages, Ella's thoughts drifted back to the Duke. She couldn't deny the effect their presence had on her, the way her heart had quickened at the sight of them. But she pushed those thoughts aside, determined not to dwell on them any longer.

Instead, she focused on the words before her, allowing herself to be swept away by the magic of Florence. And as she lost herself in the pages of the book, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within her. Perhaps, she thought, the world held more possibilities than she had ever dared to imagine. Perhaps it was time to step out of the shadows and embrace the unknown.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Ella closed the book and set it aside. She rose from her seat, feeling lighter and freer than she had in years. The night was still young, and she knew that whatever the future held, she was ready to face it head-on.

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