Chapter Twenty-four

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Jeremy had spent the afternoon in town, running errands and meeting with various associates

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Jeremy had spent the afternoon in town, running errands and meeting with various associates. He'd lost track of time, and by the time he realized how late it was, the sky had turned a sullen gray. The rain began to fall in a steady, relentless downpour just as he stepped out of his last meeting. He quickly made his way to his carriage, but by the time he arrived back at the Camden estate, he was thoroughly drenched.

He greeted his brother, Gabriel, who had somehow managed to stay dry. "You look like you've been swimming, Jeremy," Gabriel teased.

Jeremy shrugged, brushing off the comment. "Just a bit of rain. Nothing to worry about."

As they entered the house, the warmth and light of the Camden estate contrasted sharply with the dreary weather outside. Jeremy was grateful for the invitation to stay for the week-long event, though he had his own reasons for accepting. The thought of seeing Ella again had been a persistent, almost nagging presence in his mind.

The moment he stepped inside, the commotion of arriving guests filled the air. He tried to blend into the crowd, but his wet clothes drew attention. Ella's parents, Viscount and Viscountess Camden, quickly noticed his state.

"Your Grace, you must change into something dry," the Viscountess insisted, concern etched on her face. "We can't have you catching a cold."

"Indeed, you should get out of those wet clothes immediately," the Viscount added.

Just then, more guests began to arrive, and the Viscountess realized she couldn't leave the entrance to assist Jeremy. "Ella, dear," she called, turning to her daughter. "Could you please show the Duke to his room?"

Jeremy's heart skipped a beat as Ella approached. Her presence always had that effect on him, though he tried to hide it. She looked at him with a mixture of concern and something he couldn't quite place. "Of course, Mother," she said softly, then turned to him. "This way, Your Grace."

As they walked down the hallway together, Jeremy took in the familiar surroundings, trying to think of something to say that wouldn't betray his growing affection for her. He noticed how she avoided looking at him directly, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush.

"Ella?" he called softly, using her first name.

She turned slightly, her surprise evident. "Your Grace?" she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jeremy couldn't help but tease her, remembering their previous conversation. "Last time we spoke alone, I asked you to call me Jeremy."

Ella hesitated, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of red. "Jeremy," she finally said, her voice trembling slightly.

He smiled at her, feeling a warmth spread through him. "I much prefer that," he said, his tone gentle.

Once they reached his room, Jeremy thanked her, noting how her eyes darted around, avoiding his gaze. "I appreciate your help, Ella," he said earnestly. "I won't keep you any longer."

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