Chapter Nineteen

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Ella sat in the cosy nook of the library, surrounded by piles of books she had eagerly devoured over the past few months

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Ella sat in the cosy nook of the library, surrounded by piles of books she had eagerly devoured over the past few months. The countryside had provided her with a sense of tranquility and escape, a stark contrast to the bustling life in London. She had found solace in her reading, immersing herself in tales of distant lands, intriguing characters, and romances that whisked her away from her own worries.

The fire crackled gently in the hearth, casting a warm glow over the room. Ella was so engrossed in her current book that she barely noticed the sound of footsteps approaching. It wasn't until Adrian cleared his throat that she looked up, startled.

"Adrian," she exclaimed, placing a finger between the pages to mark her spot. "I didn't hear you come in."

He smiled, his eyes softening as he looked at his sister. "You were quite lost in your book. What are you reading now?"

Ella held up the book, showing him the cover. "Just another romance novel. It's quite good."

Adrian chuckled, taking a seat opposite her. "You and your romance novels. I suppose they've kept you well entertained while we've been here."

"They have," Ella admitted, smiling. "It's been wonderful to have this time, Adrian. I've enjoyed the peace and quiet."

Adrian's expression grew more serious, and Ella noticed the shift immediately. "What is it, Adrian? You look troubled."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I've finished all the business I needed to take care of up here. We'll be heading back to London in the next few days."

Ella felt a pang of disappointment. She had grown fond of the countryside, the tranquility, and even the occasional company she had come to appreciate. The thought of returning to London, with all its noise and expectations, filled her with a sense of dread.

"So soon?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. "I thought we might stay a bit longer."

Adrian shook his head gently. "I'm afraid not, Ella. We've been here for months, and it's time to return to our lives in London. There are matters that need my attention."

Ella nodded, understanding his responsibilities but feeling a twinge of sadness nonetheless. "I see. Well, I suppose I'll have to pack up my books."

Adrian reached out and took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Ella, I know this place has been a refuge for you, and I'm glad you've found some peace here. But London isn't all bad. There are opportunities there, people who care about you."

She smiled faintly, appreciating his effort to comfort her. "I know, Adrian. It's just... it's been nice to escape for a while."

He nodded, understanding. "We'll be back here again, I promise. And who knows? Maybe London will hold some pleasant surprises for you this time."

Ella wasn't so sure about that, but she appreciated his optimism. "Perhaps," she said, her voice soft. "Thank you, Adrian."

He stood, giving her one last smile before heading toward the door. "I'll leave you to your reading for now. But start thinking about what you want to take back with you."

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