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"Two burgers!"

"Wonbin go check the counter!"

"Table 10 want to order!"

Wonbin was at a fast food restaurant doing his part-time job. After he finished his shift, he met his manager for his tips.

"Here you go", the manager gave him his tips. Wonbin slightly smiled and kept the money on his pocket. He thanked his manager before he walked out from the restaurant.

After school, he will hurriedly came to the restaurant so that he wont be late for his shift. His shift usually ends late so sometimes he skipped shower and go to sleep because he was tired of working all day.

As he was walking outside, he raised his head and looked at the night sky. Tonight was a special kind of blackness, the warm black that wants to give you a hug feeling his soul and holds him close. The night that reassure him that everything will be fine, everything will turn the way that he want to.


Wonbin felt like his mind snapped for a while as soon as he heard a voice called him. That's when he noticed a familiar guy smiling at him while make his way to him.

"Who are you?", Wonbin responded with his monotone voice. Sungchan's head snapped up at Wonbin's reaction before a grin exploded in his gorgeous face.

"You don't remember me? Im from the detention class!", Sungchan said cheerfully. Wonbin gave his not comfortable look to Sungchan.

"So why are you here?",Wonbin queried. Sungchan smirked at Wonbin's distaste for bothering him and pinched his cheek. Wonbin was shocked which reacted to slap his hands away easily.

"Why?", Sungchan frowned at him and followed behind him as Wonbin began to leave him. Wonbin noticed Sungchan was following him so he turned his back to face Sungchan.

"Stop following me",Wonbin demanded while his sharp eyes glared at Sungchan.

"I cant do that",Sungchan said as he mimicked Wonbin's position.

Wonbin felt pissed off because of Sungchan's attitude of not behaving well. "If you want to bully or mobb or whatever, just find someone else cause I'm not rich and don't have money at all", Wonbin half shouted, not wanting to get any attention.

"I did no such thing",Sungchan smiled at Wonbin as he showed himself holding a $5 note. Wonbin checked back his money on his pocket and noticed that he lost $5. He kept his remaining money in his bag before he faced Sungchan.

"Whatever, where did you find it at,then?", Wonbin asked him and rosed his eyebrows in question.

"On the street, I saw you dropped your money after you walked out from the restaurant. You left it so I picked it up. Awful nice of me, don't you think?", Sungchan replied with a grin as if he's right.

Wonbin rolled his eyes at Sungchan, "Well now you know its mine, i think you can give me back", Wonbin replied back with himself felt the anger rushing in.

"I don't know, I think its too easy", Sungchan put it on his back pocket and turned his back to tease Wonbin. Wonbin felt annoyed so he leaped forward and grasped for his money, but then he came up with nothing. Instead, Sungchan's hands were clamped down on both of Wonbin's wrists now.

Wonbin glared at him while tried to release himself for Sungchan's grip. "If you want it back, you'll have to pay up", he said while let go of Wonbin's wrists.

"With what? I told you already I'm not rich", Wonbin popped out his bottom lip as he was confused and annoyed at the same time.

"With a kiss",he smirked at Wonbin again and leaned forward,his lips just inches away from Sungchan's lips. Wonbin's eyes widened and he sucked back his bottom lip back in, backing away from Sungchan.

"Are you crazy?!",Wonbin shouted. "I guess you wont be getting it back then", Sungchan grabbed the money and held it tight in his hands threatened Wonbin.

"Ok then just take it",Wonbin was so done with Sungchan.He doesnt want to waste  anymore of his time to Sungchan.

"Bully",he whispered to himself as his fists clenched and unclenched at his sides.

He gave his sharp gaze to Sungchan then turned his back from him. As he was walking, Sungchan suddenly pulled him and turned his body to face Sungchan. Wonbin was surprised with the sudden act as their bodies were near to each other.

Sungchan smiled widely then put the $5 note into Wonbin's pocket, "You're so cute when you mad", Sungchan pinched Wonbin's cheek and ruffled his hair.

Wonbin widened his eyes as soon as he pushed away Sungchan's hand from his hair. They both looked at each other eyes before Wonbin quickly turned and walked away leaving Sungchan.

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