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Sungchan ran quickly to his home after he received a message from his father. As soon as he arrived, he saw his father was comforting Taeyong who was crying while Jeno was in the car looking very sad.

Jaehyun saw Sungchan as he wiped Taeyong's tears and softly patted his husband at the same time Sungchan approached both of them.

"Go get ready", he told Sungchan. Sungchan felt clueless but he quickly ran inside and get changed.

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"I'm sorry for your lost",Jaehyun and his family send condolences to Jaemin's family. Jaemin had died yesterday because of suicide and they're at Jaemin's funeral to pay respect to his family.

Jeno suddenly sobbed while Sungchan just looked down to the ground. Sungchan felt the sadness triggered inside him as Jaemin was one of the person that he cherished the most. He never knew he will lose his brother especially their meeting at the restaurant was the last time he saw him.

Jaemin's father hugged Jeno and patted his back,"It's okay~", he tried to comfort Jeno. Jeno wiped his tears but his tears couldn't stop, "It's my fault sir. If i didn't proposed to him that day, maybe he's not feeling pressured of it", Jeno admitted his guiltness towards Jaemin's death.

"No no its not. It's his choice", his dad hugged Jeno while Taeyong hugged Jaemin's mother to comfort her. After an hour, all of them bid farewell to Jaemin's family and went back to their house.

- -

Sungchan was lying in his bed while dug his head on the pillow. He couldn't believe Jaemin already leaving him and he already missed him so much. Jaemin have been very kind to him especially during his hard times. His smile, his laugh and everything about him has gone as if Sungchan felt like he being robbed.

Suddenly,he heard his door was opened by someone. The door closed and the person lied his body beside Sungchan on the bed. Sungchan knew it's Jeno but he didn't have the mood to fight especially when he knew Jeno have been through hard times of losing Jaemin.

"Channie~",Jeno called him while moving closer to Sungchan. He hugged Sungchan from his back and rest his head on top of Sungchan's head. "Now we can be together forever babe~",Jeno said to Sungchan. Sungchan felt something is off with the remark but he felt uncomfortable when Jeno hugged him. He wanted to release himself but he didn't want to hurt Jeno more so he tried to act like he's sleeping.

"Channie~", Jeno called him again but Sungchan ignored him. Jeno lowered his head until his lips were on the same level as Sungchan's ear,

"I get rid of him",he confessed.

Sungchan's eyes opened as soon as he heard that. He quickly released himself from Jeno and sat facing Jeno. "What do you mean?!", Sungchan asked him with his harsh tone.

Jeno slowly sat and curved a smile at him, "I killed him, now he won't bothered us anymore", he explained to Sungchan with his voice clearly there's no remorse at all. Sungchan felt something snapped inside his heart as Jeno looked unbothered confessed his act.

"Why?", Sungchan started to feel the urge of crying when Jeno moved closer and held Sungchan's hand. "I did this for you, don't cry~", Jeno said while wiped the tears coming from Sungchan's cheek.

Sungchan felt the anger rushing through his veins so he pushed Jeno's hand and walked away from the bed. He felt hurt, betrayed, agony and misery crawling inside of him but the fear of the world blaming him for Jaemin's death killing him more.

He tried to calm himself while he took a deep breath to make sure he can control himself. "It's because of the boy isn't it?",Jeno's sweet voice changed in response of Sungchan's act.

Sungchan turned to his stepbrother, "What?", he asked tried to act like he didn't understand.

Jeno looked at Sungchan with his fiery eyes as he approached him. "Because of that kid, you're changed", he pointed and pushed his finger to Sungchan's chest. Sungchan slapped Jeno's hand and looked elsewhere, tried to avoid eye contact.

"Starting from tomorrow, don't you ever meet that guy! I don't want him to have any relations with us or interfere our relationship", Jeno warned Sungchan, tried to threaten him.

Sungchan let out a laugh making Jeno confused with him, "Any relation huh?" ,Sungchan replied sarcastically while Jeno still didn't understand what Sungchan tried to tell him. Sungchan walked to Jeno and looked directly to his eyes,

"You..you killed his mother", Sungchan told Jeno making the other confused as he gave a clueless look to Sungchan. "You hit her with your car.. you.. because of you he suffer!", Sungchan shouted at Jeno. Jeno tried to figure out who he meant until the memory clicked inside his head.

"Owh you mean the lady who ruin my car with her orange juice?", oblivious plastered on Jeno's face after hearing the remarks. 

Sungchan's face changed when he heard that, "It's your fault channie, i know I'm drunk at that time but because you locked the door and didn't let me come into your room. But yeah maybe she have to die at that time so its not really—"

"What?!", Sungchan cut his words. He couldn't believe those words coming from Jeno's mouth while Jeno, his face changed as he put his hand on his waist,

"Did you just cut my words?", he scolded the other. Jeno was red ravaged in anger because of Sungchan's attitude, "You think i didn't know that you cheated on me?", he replied to Sungchan.

Sungchan gave him a dumb look, couldn't understand what he tried to say. "You never want to go to school but since that day, you woke up early and started to go to school. Our parents were so happy but for me, i know something is off", Jeno expressed his dissatisfaction to Sungchan.

Sungchan felt like Jeno was joking, his insensitive side started to overwhelm Sungchan. "Well that explains for all the spies that you hired to stalk me at my school", he responded full of sarcasm.

"You know what, that kid deserve this", Jeno concluded, felt bored on talking about some random guy. Sungchan turned his head to Jeno and curled his fingers to a fist, "Don't talk about binnie like that!!!",he yelled and pushed Jeno's body until he fell on the floor.

He then sat on top of him and began punching his face, "You sick lunatic!You deserve to die!", Sungchan yelled while punching Jeno while the other doesn't even resist himself from Sungchan. Jeno counted in his head '5,4,3,2,1'

Sungchan's voice was heard by their parents so they both barged into Sungchan's room. "What going on here?!", Jaehyun shouted before he pushed Sungchan away from Jeno while Taeyong checked on his son. Sungchan let out his breaths of anger as he still have the urge to attack Jeno.

"Jung Sungchan! What's wrong with you?!", Jaehyun yelled at his son as he walked closer and slapped his face, "You always get to my nerves, can you please mind your manners?!", he scolded Sungchan while his son doesn't even dare to look at everyone in front of him.

"Its my fault appa, it's okay~", Jeno tried to calm his stepfather making Sungchan felt more disgusted. "You lunatic!", Sungchan wanted to attack Jeno before Taeyong ran and stopped Sungchan.

He hugged Sungchan and patted his back, "Channie calm down, you're just grieving of Jaemin.I know you're sad. Calm down son~", he tried to calm Sungchan. Sungchan wanted to hold his tears cause he want to act strong in front of his parents. He knew even if he told them, they won't believe him, he always the bad guy especially for Jaehyun.

"Think about your attitude Sungchan!", Jaehyun yelled at Sungchan before he called his butler to help Jeno. Taeyong brought Sungchan to his bed,

"Just.. just go to sleep", he told Sungchan before all of them leaves his room.

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