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A week later

Wonbin was at his living room listening to the radio about the news.

"Suspect Lee was convicted with the murder of Park Wonhyuk..."

Park Wonhyuk, his dad.. he never knew he will heard his dad's name in the radio.

"This case attracted a lot of attention by the viewers as many people still wondering about the second victim who was the suspect's brother. Either Jung Sungchan was killed by the suspect or he had committed suicid—"

Wonbin turned off the radio and walked to the kitchen to have some drink. Suddenly, he heard someone knocked his door. He put down his glass and walked to the door. As he opened it, he saw Sion was standing in front of him.

"Hey", Sion greeted him. Wonbin didn't form any reaction, besides he's already dead inside since the incident. "I.. i just want to check on you", Sion explained himself the reason to come to his house while Wonbin just nodded but still didn't said anything, perhaps he couldn't find the right words.

"I will move to Canada tomorrow..my dad know about me bullying people so he decided to send me to my mother", Sion informed him but Wonbin still didn't react to him. "I already reported about my friends bullying so all of them will be transfer to another school because.. yeah.. our parents didn't want us to ruin their reputation", Sion explained to Wonbin about the whole situation.

"Must be nice to have a lot of money", Wonbin's sudden response caught Sion off guard. He gulped and bit his lips before he gathered his courage and continued talking. "I hope you can start your new life and I'm sorry for everything that i did to you", Sion apologized and turned his back to leave the house.

"Hey", Wonbin called Sion making him to stop and turned back to look at the other. Wonbin maintained his facial expression, "Thank you", he thanked Sion.

Sion nodded and wanted to walk away but his head reminded him of something so he walked back to Wonbin. "Urm Wonbin..about Sungchan, I think I misunderstood. He do really care about you", he confessed to Wonbin.

Wonbin nodded and slightly smiled, "Its okay", he responded. Sion gave an awkward smile as he didn't know how to end their conversation. "Then i should go", he excused himself and walked away leaving the house.

Wonbin walked inside the house and closed the door as memories started to play on his mind. He walked to the living room and lied on the floor, the floor that he used to lie on after his father abused him.

Mixed feelings engulfed him, the thoughts of freedom delighted him but also loneliness that creeping inside him. He took his phone and read the last message that he received from Sungchan.

Sungchan:im sorry

Wonbin sighed and put his phone to his side and began closing his eyes. He didn't want to think or being bothered by anything at that time.

"Miss me?", a voice coming from his side making Wonbin opened back his eyes. Wonbin turned his head to his side as he was looking at Sungchan who was sitting beside him. He didn't reply and shifted his gaze back to the ceiling.

Sungchan chuckled and laid his body beside Wonbin, joined him to stare at the ceiling. They both became silence when Wonbin suddenly start a conversation. "I didnt know you really like water that much", he said to Sungchan.

Sungchan laughed as soon as he heard that, "Is that a sarcasm?", he asked while laughing. Wonbin turned his head looking at Sungchan who couldn't stop laughing and turned back his head facing the ceiling.

Sungchan wiped his tears and hold his jaw because of the pain from laughing. He then looked at Wonbin before he moved his body closer to him and hugged Wonbin. "So warm", Sungchan expressed himself happily. 

Wonbin slightly smiled, didn't even mind of Sungchan's behaviour. They both again turned silence as Sungchan started to close his eyes. "Hey Sungchan", Wonbin called him to gain his attention. "Hmm", Sungchan responded lazily because he started to feel sleepy.

"Can you please don't leave me?",Wonbin asked. His voice cracked a bit but he tried to control his emotions, denying the reality. 

Sungchan raised his head until their lips almost brushed to each other, "Of course", he answered before he gave a peck on Wonbin's lips and rest his head on Wonbin's chest. Wonbin smiled and wrapped his arms around Sungchan tight.

He know its a lie,

But it is the sweetest lie that he ever heard

And the lie that he ever need for the rest of his life.

The End

P/S: You have reach the end of the story..i just want to thank you guys for your love and support for my sunjeongz story and i hope everything goes well for all of you..stay safe and take care ❤️ (i need to continue writing my "second chance" sunjeongz ff rn haha i need some motivation lol)

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