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Wonbin walked to his locker to take his books for his next class. When he opened his locker, he threw out some of the trash that Sion and his gang put inside his locker. He then looked for his books when he felt like someone was standing beside him. He turned his head and looked at Sungchan who was smiling happily at him.

"Its been a week, i miss you so much",Sungchan said to Wonbin. Wonbin shifted his gaze to his locker and ignored Sungchan. Sungchan pouted realized that Wonbin ignored him when he tapped Wonbin's shoulder to get his attention.

"How are you? I hope you're fine cause from the phone call I..", Sungchan stopped as he was interrupted by the sound of Wonbin's locker as Wonbin closed his locker loudly.

"So..it's you?",Wonbin said then looked directly at Sungchan's eyes. Sungchan nodded, "Why?", he asked Wonbin.

"Where did you get my number?",Wonbin asked Sungchan. Sungchan bit his lips,he didnt know how to answer Wonbin's question. Wonbin started to get annoyed so he opened back his locker to look for his notebook.

"What do you want actually? Can you please stop bothering me or do you want me to kill you so that you wont appear anymore?!", Wonbin scolded Sungchan but when he turned back, Sungchan's gone. He looked around him and noticed there's no sign of Sungchan.

Two students walked passed him while whispered to each other, "Why he look like that? He looked crazy", they both mocked Wonbin and walked away from there. Wonbin sighed then walked to his class, as he walked in he do realized that all the students are looking at him.

Since that day, he didn't come to school for a week. He also locked himself inside his room so that his dad wont bothered him. Realized that he gained their attention, he assumed that they maybe thought that he's dead.

He ignored those stares and walked to his seat while the other students continued with whatever they did before. Wonbin put down his things when he noticed there's an envelope under his desk.

He sat down and took the envelope and when he opened it, he was surprised because there's some cash in it. He perplexed but he also in need for money at that time so he quickly put the money inside his bag before anyone noticed him.

- -

"I'm sorry, son", Wonbin nodded and thanked the owner of the restaurant. He was looking for some jobs after school but unfortunately he couldn't get one. 

He walked out from the restaurant when he saw Sungchan was standing near there. Sungchan saw Wonbin walked out from the restaurant so he ran to him.

"So how was it?",Sungchan asked. Wonbin looked at Sungchan with his annoyed look, "Why are you still here?", he asked hoping for Sungchan to feel hurt and walked away.

Sungchan shrugged, "I just want to accompany you", he answered followed by a smile. Wonbin sighed, "I know and i already told you since the first shop that i don't want you to follow me",Wonbin scolded him.

Sungchan bit his lips before he smiled awkwardly at Wonbin. "I'm gonna be late so just go away", Wonbin said hoping for Sungchan to not coming with him.

"Its okay,im actually bored right now",Sungchan said making Wonbin more annoyed. Wonbin wanted to curse before he heard someone calling him.

"Son, son~", Wonbin turned around and saw the owner of the restaurant that he met before.

"Son, if you want we need one waiter for today because one of my worker have an urgent leave. Do you want to replace my worker and don't worry I will pay you", the owner offered a job to Wonbin.

Wonbin turned to Sungchan who was nodding at him, telling him to take the job. He then turned to the owner and accepted the offer.

- -

"Thank you son, I'm so glad that you help us", the middle aged man thanked Wonbin before he gave some money to him. Wonbin thanked the owner and walked out from the restaurant with a happy smile on his face. He felt happy that he managed to get some money for today.

He didn't realized Sungchan was following him from behind, "Wow you're smiling~",Sungchan said to Wonbin to gain his attention. Wonbin stopped and turned to face Sungchan,

"What are you doing here?",Wonbin asked Sungchan. "I waited for you to finish your work", he answered with a smile.

"What do you mean by that?Its already late",Wonbin said to Sungchan. Sungchan smiled,

"Don't worry, i'm willing to wait for you", he replied.

Wonbin ogled his eyes to Sungchan, "I didn't ask you to", he answered then turned his back before he walked away. Sungchan quickly followed Wonbin while Wonbin tried to walk faster so that Sungchan couldn't get to catch him.

When Wonbin arrived at his home,he turned to Sungchan who was running towards him. "Wow you're so fast",Sungchan said followed by a laugh.

"Why are you following me?",Wonbin asked. Sungchan shrugged then grinned which make Wonbin more annoyed. Wonbin realized that Sungchan have been following him since they finished their class so he might haven't eaten his dinner yet.

"Are you hungry?",Wonbin asked Sungchan. Sungchan's face changed when he heard that.

"Why?Do you want to cook for me?", he asked happily. Wonbin wanted to answer but then he saw his father from afar. Wonbin felt nervous because he have to hide in his room before his dad arrived at their home.

"What are you looking at?",Sungchan asked when he noticed Wonbin was looking at something else.Wonbin then took Sungchan's hand and put some money on it,

"Go have your dinner", he told Sungchan then hurriedly ran into his house. Sungchan looked confused but he he smiled widely as he was looking at the money that Wonbin gave to him.

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