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"Why do you want to meet me here? Is it like a 'library date?", Sungchan said to Wonbin jokingly. Wonbin ignored Sungchan while looking for his books, the truth is he was hiding from Sion and his friends.

Wonbin took a book then walked to look for seats followed by Sungchan. As he was studying, he noticed that Sungchan was staring at him. He tried to ignore but he started to feel uncomfortable as Sungchan couldn't stop staring at him.

He then put down his book and looked directly at Sungchan, "Why are you looking at me?", he scolded Sungchan while lowered his voice worried that his voice might disturb other students.

Sungchan just smiled at Wonbin making Wonbin felt not worth it to fight with him so he just continue studying. "Can i ask you something?",Sungchan's sudden question gained Wonbin's attention.

"Why your face always..hmm you know..full of bruises..erm",Sungchan couldn't get to finish the question as he worried it might offended Wonbin. Wonbin shifted his gaze to the table then looked back at Sungchan who was trying to avoid eye contact, probably because of guilt.

"Its because of the abuse",Wonbin answered. Sungchan looked at Wonbin, he wanted to know more but he couldn't dare to ask again.

"My mum involved in an accident and she left us. Because of that, my dad started to abuse me but i don't blame him because my mum died because of me",Wonbin explained to Sungchan.

Sungchan felt like something sealed his mouth, he couldn't even dare to speak. Wonbin slightly smiled then looked back at his book as the atmosphere suddenly became awkward. He knew Sungchan felt bad at him but he didn't want to talk about it anymore. He continued studying before he realized he started to feel sleepy.

- -

"Hey ..wake up", Wonbin woke up when he heard a voice came from his side. He lifted his head while rubbed his eyes but then he felt confused when Sungchan was not there.

He looked at the librarian who wake him before,

"We're gonna close this library", the librarian told him then walked away from Wonbin. Wonbin hurriedly took his things then ran to his class.

- -

After class, Wonbin packed his things before he walked out from his class. He didnt have to go to work today so he decided to go back home early. As he was walking,he saw Sungchan was waving while running to approach him.

Wonbin felt happy to see Sungchan but then he felt mad when his head reminded him of the incident happened at the library. Wonbin turned his back from Sungchan when Sungchan held him to stop him.

"Why, what's going on?",Sungchan asked Wonbin. Wonbin pushed Sungchan's hand,

"Why do you leave me at the library?",Wonbin asked. When he heard that, Sungchan awkwardly grinned while rubbed his back neck.

"Urmm..i felt bad to wake you up", he answered.

Wonbin sighed, "You should just wake me than leave me alone at the library",Wonbin complained to him.

Sungchan stopped grinning as he started to feel guilty towards Wonbin. Wonbin wanted to scold Sungchan but then he saw Sion and his gang walked out from the class. Wonbin started to feel panicked before he pulled Sungchan's hand and ran quickly.

"Whats going on?",Sungchan asked cause he didn't understand Wonbin's sudden behaviour. Wonbin didn't answered as they arrived outside the school. Wonbin stopped a taxi and pushed Sungchan inside before he entered and asked the taxi to start driving. Wonbin let out a breath as he felt relieved he get to ran away from his bullies while Sungchan looked at Wonbin with his confused face.

"Please stop here",Wonbin asked the taxi driver then paid to him. Wonbin and Sungchan walked out from the taxi before Sungchan turned to Wonbin.

"Why do you bring me here?", he asked Wonbin. Wonbin took Sungchan's hand and pulled him to follow him entered the park in front of them. Sungchan still didn't understand but he didn't want to complain much especially because he felt happy when Wonbin held his hand.

They stopped in front of a lake so Wonbin released Sungchan's hand and sat followed by Sungchan. They both looked at the view of the lake in front of them without saying anything.

As they stay quiet,Wonbin suddenly talk to start a conversation. "I like to go here..its like a place that i found peace", Wonbin said to Sungchan. He didn't know why he told Sungchan but he didn't know that his words making Sungchan blushed.

He turned his head to Sungchan as he noticed Sungchan didn't said anything. "Why your face turn red?",Wonbin asked. Sungchan smiled at Wonbin,

"I feel happy you bring me here", he answered.

Wonbin raised his eyebrow, "Its not a big deal", he said before he turned back to enjoy his favourite view in front of him. He didnt know he was the favourite view of the person beside him.

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